How long do you think they can keep it up before even the happily brainwashed will be able to recognize that the whole thing is a bust?
Another 5 years? 10?
I was thinking about the whole stance that when "the world" declares "peace and security", then "the end" will come.
We all know the JWs just love earthquakers, hurricanes, tsunamis, 9/11s, wars, etc. It proves their point about the end coming soon. Recently, a friend (non jw) and I were talking about the war in Iraq and how it probably won't end anytime soon. And even if it does, the majority of the Islamic world is pissed off at the West and vice versa so it is conceivable that even if the Iraq war ends, new skirmishes will pop up.
And that's just the Islamic world. But anyway, world politics isn't what this thread is about.
"Peace and security" is a hell of a long way off so the society is going to have to contend with more "annoited" dying off and the R&F noticing this.
So what will the solution be? More "new light?" Will a whole bunch of "annoited" suddenly turn "apostate" thus necessitating a whole new crop (i.e. younger) of "annoited" to pop up allowing the society to hold on to stance that the annoited generation will not pass away?
They've gotten away with it for a long time now with "new light" and stricter control and censorship but eventually there will have to come a time when they won't be able to do it any longer. Oh sure, a few die hards will always hang in there. My folks for one probably. I remember my mother tisk-tisking at those who left during the '75 shake up. "How sad. They didn't put enough faith in Jehovah's organization. Proper food at the proper time. Obviously we weren't meant to know until now. Jehovah allowed this to weed out unfaithfulness."
5 years? That would put us in 2013. 10 years? We'll be in 2018. 12 years? That will put us solidly in 2020! Can they still get away with screaming "Armageddon is coming soon!" ?
I hold out hope that those I care about will wake up soon, but unfortunately, I can't hold my breath.
When do you think the ol' Watchtower will come crashing down?