I've noted before that JWs don't usually shun a believer who was never baptized. They just concluded that this person "fell away." They just don't know any better. But for someone who DOES get baptized? Another story entirely. It can't simply be that you no longer recognize it's The Truth. They take the position that you must know it's the Truth, but you are apparently just wanting to follow some wicked, empty path.
They simply cannot, for one moment, admit the possibility that someone else could conclude their religion is not "divinely appointed." Satan has just "blinded the minds" of these ones. And so they follow through with this charade, speaking as if everyone knows this and just doesn't want to admit it.
They clearly take your "virginity" the first time they expose Christianity for false doctrines! You are royally screwed big time.
It creates the impression of what is simply a fallacious False Dillemma. A choice between: 1.The Truth and 2.False Religion.
Nothing could be farther from the (real) truth.
Exposing christendom's reliance on false doctrine, pagan origins, wrong interpretations is a mask for an even deeper problem:
everything actually depends on the Bible itself being free from manipulation!
I'm ashamed to say it took me years, and years and years to realize the Bible for what it is.
What God allowed to happen to documents which represent the "Holy Sciptures" is a strong indicator of how God really feels abou it. God allowed those manuscripts to turn to garbage!
The Bibles we have today are the obsessive and compulsive dumpster divings of wrong-headed and misled fanatics.
Scraps of this, pieces of that, missing parts, copies of copies of copies of reworked according to agendas, assembled cut and paste story-boards overlaid with a veneer of ideology and apology.....this is the Frankenstein document we call The Bible.
Anything, any religious ideas, policies, theologies based on a Frankenstein document are certainly going to be fanciful and corrupt!
The presumption of Divine Appointment will always be "backed up" by referring to this and that bogus citation of "scripture". But, there is no substance there.
God never intended we place a phoney book between us and Him!
After all---what good is a Mediator and the Holy Spirit if we have to sift through the "tea leaves" of gurus and shaman for our interpretations?