What makes a JW a true DUB?

by darth frosty 15 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • darth frosty
    darth frosty

    I was going to do this as a serious post about the core beliefs of witnesses (whether the R&F understand them or not.)

    But, that would be boring. Instead what makes a person an acceptable DUB and associate for most witnesses?

    First and most important...Meeting attendance. This is truly the foundation on which Christ built his church on. And the dubs have faithfully followed in his footsteps (around the corner and to the right.) You know that meeting attendance is most criticle because as long as a dub goes to the meetings all othe vices are excused. Secretly getting BJ's no problem as long as you go to the meeting's. Have a drinking problem, no biggie as long as you are attending the 3 (soon to be 2) hall sessions a week.

    So what other things are there that make a dub a dub?

  • Lady Zombie
    Lady Zombie

    If you're a R&F member, unquestioningly accepting and obeying anything told to you by either the elders, COs, DOs, or GB.

    If you're a R&F male, then you must do everything you can to climb the ladder.

    You should never have any other desire than to pioneer.

    You should spy and turn in your brothers and sisters for any preceived infraction. For their own good of course.

    You should become an expert in what Orwell calls doublethink. This is basically the ability to believe/not believe at the same time.

  • M.J.

    The elder's litmus test, from what I hear is, "Do you accept the FDS as Jehovah's mouthpiece?"

  • darth frosty
    darth frosty
    You should become an expert in what Orwell calls doublethink. This is basically the ability to believe/not believe at the same time.

    Lady Zombie I loved this line.

  • Hortensia

    doublethink - wonderful word for it. My mother was able to believe two conflicting ideas at the same time. Same is true for lots of dubs.

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    Being able to look you in the eye and deny what they preached in the past.

  • WTWizard

    The true witless will never miss a boasting session unless absolutely unable to attend. They will never miss an opportunity to go out in field circus, or to spread the cancer. They have no ambition, except to pioneer or to climb as high as they can up the ladder. They always obey the Filthful and Disgraceful Slavebugger, no matter what. If there is a talk frowning on something, they will stop doing it immediately.

  • jamiebowers

    Submitting too while also ignoring the "man behind the curtain".

  • HSS1971

    Ass kissing and brown nosing, lots of it.

  • blondie

    someone who says:

    The WT says

    The elders say

    The CO/DO says

    The slave says

    but never says "the Bible says"

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