'Christmas' - (another view)

by Farkel 25 Replies latest jw friends

  • BluesBrother

    I couldnt agree more.

    I too was brought up to believe that all those celebrating Christmas were really miserable depressed and just had to do it for appearences ,and also that God & Jesus were very displeased with it all .

    I now know different . A good friend "in the world " helped me to see that families Do gain great comfort from it and I also believe that God is not so petty as to be so rule bound as J Ws teach .

    It seems we missed out , My mum used to find ways to serve the simplest food on "The Day" just to show we were different . Bless her , she really believed it all and I am not knocking her

    I am with you all. We take comfort knowing that we all had the same experiences ,thank you for sharing yours

  • celebrate

    Joseph Joachim -- you have not felt a happiness like that since you left being JW -- a happiness that your friends would be destroyed at Armaggedon?!?

    If you have not felt that kind of happiness, you need to look around! There is much out there to be happy about and to be happy for. If you can't see it, as you say, it is up to you!

    As for me, my father was as described. No gifts, no birthday, no joy. Since leaving the religion, I have found great happiness, lots of worldy friends, travel to all parts of the world (many Witnesses won't go because the world is so evil), incredible sensuality, and sexiness, and far greater peace with myself and God. I take no joy in the thought of another's death just because they do not agree with me.

  • ISP

    Shame we can't pick our parents... and parents religion.


  • Englishman

    Oh come off it, Farkel.

    Everyone know that JW kids get presents ALL YEAR ROUND. Also, they adore going from door to door on Christmas Day and meeting their school chums on the doors so that they can get a little witnessing in. Kids absolutely hate Christmas, IMO you should be grateful for being spared the whole tedious ordeal.

    Some people are just never satisfied.


    Nostalgia isn't what it used to be....

  • Julie

    Ah Farkel, old friend,

    Such a sad perspective. It breaks my heart ot know how wretched so many kids have it because of some publishing company posing as god's mouthpiece. Horrible!

    I am glad your experiences left you compassionate and aware of the perspectives of others. As we can see by the example this Joseph Jerkoff not everyone fared as well.

    Hey send me a current addy so I can send a Pagan Seasonal Greeting, eh?


  • IslandWoman


    Just wondering, do you celebrate Christmas now? My kids and I have fooled around with the idea, don't know if we will though. Religion has become very distasteful.


  • Prisca


    I can totally relate to many of these experiences, although the flag salute thing wasn't as big in my schools, nor did we have the pledge of allegiance. But Christmas time was one time that I wished I wasn't a witness, and have never experienced a family get-together like Xmas time is supposed to be.

    Here in Austalia, public holidays were also used for special service days. Imagine trying to witness to a hung-over Australian on New Years Day

    Farkel, one point you made that I will disagree on - you said that at age 24 you realised you'd lost most of your youth. I beg to differ. At age 24 you are still a youth, and have many years to live before you become a mature adult. I realised at the age of 30 (give or take a year) that it was all a lie, yet I still feel that I have youth on my side. I am still young enough to change careers if I wished. I am still young enough to start a family. I am still young enough to realise I have many decades of living to do! (and live it I will! )

  • Doc_jedd

    Farkle......i got tears in my eyes over youre post. man "o" man i never realized the hardships a kid has when he/she is brought up in the borg. im so sorry....... allthough i know ya cant bring back youre child hood i hope youre making up for it now! the more heart breaking storys like this is bringing me closer and closer to D.A.,ing myself im realy ashamed to belong to such an organization..................Jedd

  • Farkel

    Hi Island Woman,

    : Just wondering, do you celebrate Christmas now?

    I celebrate Christmas with a VENGEANCE! I'm trying to make up for all those lost years.


    Fark, with a spark

    "When in doubt, duck!"

  • tyydyy


    You mirrored the memories of my childhood. Thank you. Although these memories may be somewhat painfull the knowledge that these experiences are what make us who we are and that they have made us stronger offer limited comfort.


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