Don't Show Mercy to the Watchtower

by metatron 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • metatron

    Let me paraphrase James - 'show mercy to the merciful' - not the legalistic, nor to the ignorant and heartless.

    If they make changes to the matters I have mentioned, let me be among the first to note it and praise them.


  • ozziepost

    G'day metatron,

    I always look out for your threads, you invariably have something worthwhile to say - you and I have been around here for more than eight years and have surely learned much along the way.

    The description of the Borg as being an evil empire is certainly something I believe although i'm not sure it's the worst the world has ever seen.

    As for showing them no mercy though, I'm not so sure. There's no doubting that Mrs Ozzie and I have plenty of reason to despise them; amongst other things Mts Ozzie has suffered horribly from the vindictiveness of certain Bethel elders in Australia who abused her and their positions to horribly harm her. I don't give details for privacy reasons but if I were to dwell on what they did, it would eat me up.

    And that's the point isn't it? We cannot let them continue to rule our lives even after we have left. Our lives would be ruined, we would be mere shadows of what we could be.

    The truth is that even if they changed, they could never change in the essentials - they are disciples of a lie. How could changes 'around the edges' prove to be real change? No, a leopard cannot change its spots.

    There comes a point when we must put it all behind us, reaching forward into this wonderful world.

    Work for the day when the Watchtower is an irrelevancy in our lives - it surely is for most of the world's population.

    Greetings from down underneath you!


  • WTWizard

    They aren't getting any mercy from me. They want me to remain celibate, go back (and they are probably going to resort to force in due time if I don't go back on my own), pioneer, go through the Value Destroyer Training School, push this country up to the Critical Mass, and help them set the whole world into the Second Dark Ages. And for that, there is absolutely no mercy.

    Just the keeping me celibate is, for me, an unforgivable offense. And I will show no mercy to God Himself for that offense.

  • sacolton


  • Dogpatch

    The Truth (as I seen it)

    According to Jehovah's Witnesses

    by Gary Busselman

    GOD is the creator, but since he only created Michael,
    and Michael created everything else, ("all other things")
    that would seem to make Michael the real creator,
    but only in a sense, since Michael is Jesus and Michael said to Satan,
    "the Lord rebuke you" makes the Lord powerful over Satan,
    however when Michael had to throw Satan out of heaven in 1914
    he had to do battle with his own creations, Satan and His Angels,
    and in 1918 when he selected Joe Rutherford to be his earthly channel
    and had to put the truth in the mind of Joe
    so Joe could write the truth in the Watch Tower
    and build Beth Sarim.

    All this would be hard to understand if it were not for the "salvation" doctrine,
    which is easy to understand since the living evildoers
    will all be made dead at Armageddon
    and the dead evildoers will be made alive at Armageddon,
    thus the living sinners will die and the dead sinners will live,
    except the dead who are made alive will not really be made alive again
    but when they die God kinda makes a sort of computer chip, in a sense,
    of all the information in their brains,
    like their memories, thoughts, and personality
    and keeps this stored in heaven
    and the Angels that don't join up with Satan help
    and then after Armageddon, God makes a perfect replica body,
    and somehow inserts this memory chip in the perfect replica body
    and then he will judge that new creation of the old person
    who was dead but is now alive, sort of,
    by how he treats the anointed who are mostly dead
    but are represented by the Governing Body, who are not inspired
    but only receive Divine direction,
    and by how well he follows the directions of the Organization
    and if he sins he dies.

    To survive Armageddon, the only way is to be serving God
    in the only Organization that has the truth, Jehovah's Witnesses.
    The truth is defined as the current teachings of the Governing Body
    which largely consist of denying their own past teachings
    and condemning views that are held by other groups
    that the Governing Body will someday adopt as their "new light"
    and "the truth". Serving God is defined as attending the five weekly meetings
    of Jehovah's Witnesses, reading all of the weeks lessons before the meetings,
    including underlining the answer to the questions at the bottom of the pages
    in the paragraphs with a red marker, (yellow highlighter is optional
    as long as it is used in moderation) answering any questions you may come up
    with by yourself, while you keep those questions secret and to yourself,
    by looking up the proper subject headings in the Index published by the Society
    and referencing to the proper Watchtower article
    while attending meetings for field service
    and going out in cars to try to recruit new members into the group
    and to solicit contributions to be turned into the group leaders
    in exchange for Watchtower publications that members paid for
    at the Kingdom Hall using the voluntary donation arrangement
    that was adopted after the Society failed in their attempt to defend Jimmy Swaggert
    in the Supreme Court of California
    after the Superior Authorities fell out of love with him
    and charged him with avoiding sales tax on literature sales
    and all Witnesses must do this or they die.

    Loyalty to "Jehovah's Organization" is important
    since surviving Armageddon is contingent on how well
    we vindicate Jehovah's name which is really YHWH
    and pronounced Yahweh by most Biblical scholars
    only since that was changed to sanctify
    and it now is to exalt Jehovah's Name, not to vindicate anymore,
    and to announce the kingdom that was set up in heaven in 1914 after Jesus
    returned invisibly in 1874
    and again in 1914 for the separating of the sheep and the goats
    by selling Watchtower publications door to door
    and then in 1995 this was changed to
    not separating the sheep from the goats
    but to require all Jehovah's Witnesses to believe
    that the separating of the sheep and the goats will be a future event
    to begin after the start of the Great Tribulation
    except that Jesus had to actually start his judging of the sheep and the goats in 33 AD
    and that he only picked 144,000 Jehovah's Witnesses
    and the number was filled in 1935
    and then the earth was going to be used for the testing ground
    for all the re-created dead sinners and Jehovah's Witnesses for 1000 years
    because this all ties into the date of 1914
    which was arrived at by Nelson Barbour by adding 30 years to William Miller's
    failed Apocalypse expectation date of 1844 which was arrived at by adding a
    year to the previously failed date of 1843, to arrive at 1874, which when
    the end didn't come, he added 40 more years to come up with 1914 which
    Charles Taze Russell adopted and changed to 1915 when the Apocalypse didn't
    come in 1914 then to 1918 when it didn't come in 1915, then he died.

    This is all so simple that a child could understand
    especially in view of the fact that the seven trumpets of Revelation
    were the seven Jehovah's Witness District assemblies from 1922 to 1928,
    starting with Cedar Point, Ohio and ending with Detroit, Michigan,
    only they weren't called Jehovah's Witnesses then
    but since Jehovah picked them in 1918 he waited until 1931
    to give them his name while the generation living in 1914
    and of the age of understanding, about 12 or 15, when World War One broke out,
    except it had been breaking out for a number of years before 1914,
    meaning that the generation that saw 1914 would by no means pass away
    before Armageddon started and "by no means"
    indicates that the majority would be living and never die
    since Jesus told Joe Rutherford that "Millions Now Living Will Never Die"
    by an angel and Joe wrote a book about the dead Princes,
    Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob and others would be resurrected to the earth in 1925
    and live in a house he built for them in 1929 in San Diego, California
    except he lived in it himself
    because he thought the start of World War Two would be the beginning of Armageddon
    and then he died.

    Usually this is best understood by believing the truth as Nathan Knorr and Fred Franz
    wrote about it in the Watchtower since they knew that service was the answer
    and that six thousand years since Adam and Eve ended in 1975
    and that maybe, might, could, should be the start of Armageddon
    but they don't remember writing anything about 1975
    and they couldn't say for sure when Eve was created
    and besides so many were going to prison because they were loyal to God
    by refusing alternative service to active military duty
    and no one was taking organ transplants or buying Girl Scout Cookies
    and then they died.

    Sometimes the truth comes as flashes of light and the vaccinations,
    and organ transplants are now all okay and the drafted boys don't go to prison
    but stay at home to be elders and pioneers instead of going to jail
    and the sheep are waiting and the goats are waiting too
    and the generation of 1914 waited too,
    then they died.


    Off with their heads!..Guillotine 3Guillotine 3Guillotine 3..................Laughing Mutley...OUTLAW

  • M.J.

    Good list. I'd put #3 at #1 though.

  • orangefatcat

    my feelings are this, why should we show mercy to the watchtower? They destroyed and have lots of witnesses who have died for no good reason, they have allowed pedophiles and done nothing about it until it was exposed. For years they told hemophiliacs that they couldn't have plasma and many passed away and yet today they permit it. It is like Russian Roulette with the WTS and peoples lifes. shall we do it or not do it. remember too that it a majority who win in the GB. That is what angers me, if they profess to be the FDS and yet can't come to a 100 percent conclusion on issues of humans lifes. it is as if they play God.

    They refuse to overlook the errors of others and they destroy families rather then showing them that love is the greatest commandment next to worshipping and loveing God with every part of our being soul, and heart. They don't overlook transgression yet the scriptures tells us that God overlooks our mistakes. Disfellowhipping is a weapon used by the organization to keep JWs in order.

    They pummel chirstians into doing things according to them rather from God and Christ Jesus. They make being a christian a very difficult thing. Christians that are true followers find no burden yet the WTS burdens them with all their piety.

    I have no mercy for the WTBTS, I am not saying that I don't miss some fellow jws some are really nice, but they can't stay nice if they allow themselves to be subjected to a harsh organization forever. It will eventually tear them down.

    Do they help people in cong. that are poor or help the elderly and sickly no rather they look at you like your a real burden to the cong. No love no assitance, not true yoke, they are diluding themselves. When it comes time to pay God his things, what will the organiaion do? Run the other way, hide , or face the consqences of their bad failure to be there as Moses was to the Isrealites, or Jesus to the people of his day, or the devote Nazarites. Or kind and loving to those who are suffering terrible sickness or the inabilties of people who are unable to pioneer or the pub. who is unable to get out in the servie. Or even assist the disabled. Other churches by a bus to bring the handicapped to church. They are far more Christ like then the Oranization and its phony members,

    They too have to answer to t he Judge of all and To Chirst. and lets see what transpires as they continue to pay millions to pedophiles victims who have suffered so terribly. No warning to the congregation what so ever, all cover ups they are truly merciless. and I would dare think that if Christ was in there midst they overlook him because of Christs humility and loving all the believers.

    I would rather be starving have many friends and being truly happy then being JW and a hypocrtie who have very little mercy for others. You can see the results almost surely as they occur on a day to day bases. A house divided among one another can not stand. It will fall for sure. And those who live in glass towers shouldn't throw stones.


  • Awakened at Gilead
    Awakened at Gilead

    The WTS lies to its flock by misquoting everyone and printing misleading information.

    People who realize this are enemies of the organization and must be shunned by 7 million people.

    As Joe said (kinda).

    "Behold, the org reigns. You are the publicity agents. I say, Advertise, advertise, advertise the lies and the fiefdom."


  • Carlos_Helms

    Why should you show mercy to the watchtower?

    Because the watchtower IS "you." You was it when others felt the same way you do now. It's a never-ending cycle of "you's" who request the abuse, receive it...then bitch about it. Ultimately, when we come full-circle, some of us do as Ozzie recommends: let it be. Hatred for the watchtower only animates the watchtower. Hatred gives it life because, as you well know, "hatred by the world" justifies hating the world back.

    Continue the vicious cycle if you like...but if you do, you're playing their game. You lose. The best thing to do is to not view the watchtower as anything at all but an extension of the massive insecurities of millions of folks. We ought to know...because we was there. If you choose to play the game, you are still in its web.


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