Flip - This is a very bizarre situation that you are describibg. As has been pointed out, there is no poster with the name "Oak" in the member directory; and the member directory contains the names of every - and I mean every - person who has ever registered on this forum. To my knowledge, in order to send private messages, a person must be registered [although I admitedly may be wrong on this poin]t.It just does not "add up," if you know what I mean. If they are not registered, how were they able to send you a p.m.? If they have registered, why are they not in the directory? Very strange indeed. My advice would be to ignore him/her. And of course, as you without a doubt know, don't give your e-mail address or any other information.
Need Your Opinions on a Strange Private Mail I Received - Give Me Your Take
by flipper 36 Replies latest jw friends
Flipper, you have PM
How odd. That's never happened to me here.
I thought that one had to be registered to send a p.m. Most of the board is closed to "guests." In order to even browse through the member list, a person must first register. So how could someone send a p.m. without registering?
Mr. Flipper, why do you always get to have all the fun and mystery???
By the way, I heard about that rumour too...
Flipper, the messaging guidelines implied that messages can be read by the moderators, so are you sure it is from Oak? Is it spelled very slightly differently? 0ak or Oak or O@K, etc....
1) Heard this rumour, too cautious to come out of "woodwork", contact one of the prolific posters tp publicise
2) Troublemaker: planting (unfounded??) rumours that another poster (i.e. Mr Flipper) may publicly divulge. Then use this as proof that JWD is a pack of misbegotten apostates that are out to ruin the good (!!!) name of .......(insert name here) by starting yet another round of rumour and innuendo. (Conspiracy Theory)
I checked and "Oak" has been deleted. "Oak" registed 15-05-08 and sent three PM's, no posts.
New members do not show up on the membership list until they make their first post.
RAPUNZEL- I don't know if a person has to be registered to send private messages . Hopefully a mod will come on here and explain ! Hint. Hint. But this person called, " Oak" although not in the directory PMed that message above ; but did not open up my return PM back to them. I don't know what their motive was !? Perhaps they are a secret victim of child abuse wanting to get this message across - but they are scared. I don't know how a person could PM someone without registering.
BFD- It is odd. So You've never had strange PM's from unknown sources before ?
TRUTHSEARCHER- I don't know how much fun this is, however it certainly is a mystery and intriguing. I am wondering if it is someone who saw me post awhile back that Ted Jaracz had stayed at my house when I was about 10 years old - and my mom and dad were hosting the district overseer ( which was Jaracz) and he and his wife stayed with us a few days. So maybe that is it, who knows ? Peace out, Mr. Flipper -
jgnat, thank you for clearing that up.
Oh, and one more clarification. Moderators CANNOT read PM's. We can see how many PM's have been sent. That's it.