Maybe they figured that since you were so willing to believe in Big Foot you'd be liekly to buy into their stories too.
Need Your Opinions on a Strange Private Mail I Received - Give Me Your Take
by flipper 36 Replies latest jw friends
Hee Hee
Good one, Uzzah.
Sob..I don't get PMs...until the other day...someone gave me some info...when I respoded that I had no interest in their comment they PMd back and said I was boring and shallow....sob, whine they were mean to me....
Mr. Flipper, oddest thing to me is the persons deleted...of course a board as large as JWD is going to get the odd ball from time to time...most that do hit and run PMs are out to rattle cages.... IMO....
I just read your post Flipper. I may be a little paranoid here, but perhaps it is from a WT type who wants to get some of the good guys-like you-the most reasonable, fair former JW on the board-sued for defaming the man. That is purely my speculation, but the WT seems to like to shut up factual information-so if they could get you on a rumor. . .who knows?
Then again, since it wasn't opened, I am probably just being paranoid and it is someone who flits around, being nosy? Or, they forgot how to get to JWD? (BOOKMARK IT PEOPLE!!) :)
Love you Mr. and Mrs. Flipper! -
bite me
I would feel uneasy about random posts too of people knowing me. or claiming to know me. on this board I don't worry though because unless my family or friends log on (dont pm me claiming to be them either lol) they still won't figure out is me especially since a 12 year old girl fom Tijuana who no speak english would ever come to a site like this lol. Anyway. since the person has been deleted it might be someone messing around. PS flipper you have a pm please don't be alarmed :-)
QUENTIN- I think it was an odd ball that PMed me. Hit and run.
JW DAUGHTER- Maybe it was somebody wanting me to come out and defame tis man publicly. I think it was just somebody fishing for information. Being nosy - like you said. Love you too JW DAUGHTER !
5th GENERATION- So you had this happen as well ? That makes me feel better. Others get odd private mails too ! Peace out, Mr. Flipper