Doublethink examples of Jehovah's Witnesses

by Mr Ben 21 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • OnTheWayOut

    The anointed are fully tested as to their loyalty and are designated to
    feed proper spiritual food to the rest of the dubs.

    The anointed are not necessarily more spiritual than others and are
    to be in submission to the local BOE, which is appointed by holy spirit.

    The elders, appointed by holy spirit, make mistakes because they are
    imperfect men.

    God uses imperfect men to show what he can do with his spirit to
    reveal his perfection.

  • TD

    This is fun..

    A. Macro evolution (Changes to a breeding population at or greater than the level of species) is impossible.

    B. It was not necessary for Noah to bring every species aboard the Ark. Representatives from major families (Two taxa above species) would have been sufficient.

    A. Bad conditions (Wars, Famines, Earthquakes, Epidemics) became much worse following 1914 and are a sign of the end.

    B. World population exploded in the 20th century and overcrowding is a sign of the end too.

  • Mary

    Doublethink? In this religion??! No way!! Well, maybe just a bit:

    • All "worldly" people should thoroughly check the history of whatever religion they belong to, and don't just take the word of the priest or minister.
    • All Jehovah's Witnesses are ordered NOT to thoroughly check the history of the religion and must take the GB's word that it's "the Truth".

    • Celebrating your wedding anniversary and having baby showers is fine, even though it makes you the center of attention;

    • Celebrating your birthday, Mother's Day, or Father's Day is a disfellowshipping offense because it makes you the center of attention;

    • We are not under obligation to follow the Ten Commandments, because the laws in the Old Testament don't apply to us;

    • You cannot get a tatoo, because there's a scripture somewhere in the Old Testament telling you not to.

    • Charles Russell celebrated Christmas and Birthdays (knowing they were pagan) but this didn't bother Jesus or Jehovah, because apparently he's in heaven ruling with them as we speak.

    • If you celebrate Christmas or your Birthday, you'll be disfellowshipped and are going straight to hell in a hand-bag.

    • The Catholic Church harbors pedophiles, proving that they are hypocrites and are not God's Chosen Ones;

    • The Borg harbours pedophiles, but they're not really---it's just apostates and Satan de Debbil who are trying to make them look bad;

    • The Millerites predicted that Jesus would return in 1844. He didn't, and this proved them to be false prophets;

    • The Borg predicted that Jesus would return in 1914, 1915, 1925, 1942, and 1975. He didn't, but that just means that "new light" was shed upon them.

    • You can't take a blood transfusion to save your life---even if it means your death;

    • No Witness could care less if you order a rare-cooked steak at a restaurant, with blood oozing out of it, even though you're not going to starve to death.

    • The Pharisees were horrible leaders, binding heavy loads and man made rule upon the rank and file Jew. These Jews were made to feel like shit when they didn't live up to the Pharisees expectations.

    • The Borg leaders bind heavy loads and man made rules upon the rank and file Witness, but we're just "lacking in appreciation" if we don't do all that they say.

    • A Catholic who leaves the Church and becomes a Witness, has become a true Christian and will be rewarded with everlasting life;

    • A Witness who leaves the Borg and becomes a Catholic is an apostate and the only thing that prevents him from being stoned to death, are the laws of the land which prevent the Borg from doing this.

    • Any Catholic, Protestant, or any other religious person, who lives a good life, does charity work, raises their children in a good home, pays their taxes, goes to church, is not a drunk, drug addict, or adulterer, will still die at Armageddon, because they didn't go to the meetings or out in Service every Saturday morning.

    • Any Witness who's a drunk, a pedophile, an adulterer, a thief, a liar, who does no charity work, beats his wife and kids and is a lousy worker, will make it through Armageddon if he's at all the meetings and gets 10 hours of Service in every month.

    • If you're raised a Witness and you get a PhD, you're "puffed up with knowledge" and will be virtually shunned.

    • If you're raised in another religion and become a Dub and you already have a PhD, you'll be welcomed with open arms.

    • Before November 1995, "this generation" that Jesus was talking about was the generation of 1914. Failure to believe this would result in disfellowshipping.

    • After November 1995, believing that "this generation" that Jesus was talking about was the generation of 1914, would result in disfellowshipping.

    • Any scripture in the Old Testament that speaks favourably of Israel, it's forshadowing the Annointed;
    • Any scripture in the Old Testament that speaks negatively of Israel, is forshadowing Apostate Christendom;
    • When scientists say that the earth is billions of years old, they don't bat an eyelash;
    • When archaeologists find human remans that are older than 6,000 years, it's Satan de Debbil planting this stuff in the ground, (presumably with a shovel), just to make us look bad.

    • You're not allowed to celebrate Mothers Day or Fathers Day because "honour is only supposed to go to Jehovah."

    • One of the Ten Commandments was "honour your father and your mother."

    Other than that, how can you possibly say that there's any such thing as "doublethink" in this religion???

  • TD

    Good ones, Mary.

    A. Prior to 2008, the "Generation" were the wicked ones who lived during the "Sign" and took no note.

    B. After 2008, the "Generation" are the righteous "First fruits" from all mankind who go to heaven to rule with Christ.

  • TD

    Catholic Priests do not have autonomy in regard to marriage. This is the rationale:

    "We believe that there is an important distinction between the phrase enforced celibacy and the notion that people are forced into celibacy. If, for example, a corporation establishes a dress code and hires only those who agree to adhere to it but fires those who violate it, then it could be said that the corporation has an "enforced" dress code. In a similar sense, it is fair to say that there is an "enforced celibacy" in the Catholic priesthood." (Awake 2/22/1999)

    If that argument is valid, do Jehovah's Witnesses have autonomy in regard to medical treatment?

    "We believe that there is an important distinction between the phrase enforced refusal of blood and the notion that people are forced into refusing blood. If, for example, a corporation establishes a dress code and hires only those who agree to adhere to it but fires those who violate it, then it could be said that the corporation has an "enforced" dress code. In a similar sense, it is fair to say that there is an "enforced refusal of blood" in the JW faith"

  • Liberty

    Back when Fred Franz was the main JW Guru he held two very clear cut contradictory view points as true at the same time. The Watch Tower Society (really Franz) promoted the idea that the surviving 144000 anointed were in direct contact with Jehovah's active spirit and were able to communally and mysteriously run the Watch Tower Society and provide "light" in the form of Bible interpretations and dogma for all non-anointed JWs while at the same time knowing full well that the W.T. Society had always been run by one or two all-powerful men who made all the policy decisions without ever consulting with the other members of the far-flung anointed (who in reality had never had any authority or any means to establish any form of authority what-so-ever). Franz knew this to be a complete contradiction since he himself was one of the two only real authority figures at that time and had worked directly under the others in earlier times.

    Secondly, Franz himself created the notion of a Governing Body who needed to be in control of the Society while at the same time claiming that an inspired individual like a Watch Tower President or the Apostle Paul had every right Biblically to work outside the authority of the Governing Body even contradicting it.

    Complete lunacy!

  • Mr Ben
    Mr Ben

    This one might be "old truth" now:

    The elders are appointed by holy spirit : A pedo who is appointed was not appointed by holy spirit.

  • VoidEater

    The United Nations is a harlot and no one shall have any contact with her whatsoever; unless you need a library card.

  • darth frosty
    darth frosty

    Here is one for those who leave the truth.

    If there life is good and things are going well for them, they are recieving their limited reward in this dying system.

    I things are going bad for them, its because they left the truth.

  • Mr Ben
    Mr Ben

    Not a single individual JW is a prophet : but... add up all these non prophets and you get Jehooby's collective prophet!

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