hi diamond blue i'm glad you admit the speculation because it is in my opinion a very big leap, Yes CT Russell liked his pyramids and if he had called it "The Pyramid" and had a big one of them on the front of the magazine we would be having a different conversation and I would be agreeing with you but....
he used a symbol thats has scriptural back up and there is no evidence of anything other than scriptural basis used in this case and it would be speculating to say otherwise.
Basically this thread can only say that watchtower may have some obscure pagan roots which can be said of anything pictorially but certainly can bring no connection between this and its usage by ct russell, Unlike the cross which was chosen as a direct result of pagan imagery and can be proved so!
CT Russell didnt just 'like his pyramids'; there is more compelling evidence which highlights his masonic and occult links. In her book Occult Theocracy (1933), Edith Star Miller at page 737 confirms CT Russells membership of the Masonic Order.
The terminology that he used within his publications confirmed that he had more than a basic understanding of the Masonic Orders. His use of the words Grand Master, Grand Architect, Society, Brotherhood, Order, and Initiation (amongst many others) cannot just be coincidental. His other use of symbols gives the game away as well, such as his use of Winged Sun Disk. This symbol being used in Rosicrucianism and Kabbalistic circles.
Going back to the issue of the Watchtowers usage it cannot just be coincidental that we find its origins within not only paganism but the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn which is an offshoot from the Masonic Order and involves similar works.
It is a fact that he chose a symbol that was at the time (and still is) widely used by Occultists and those involved in Gardenarian Witchcraft and Western Mystery Traditions including the Golden Dawn. The fact that he alludes to some old testament scripture is more convenient than factual.
You seem to jump on my speculations and apparent objectivity as an indication that there is no merit in my contention - First of all I only speculated that he used the symbols to gain credibility. As for the fact that he used such symbols in the manner he did and at the time he did and within the environment he did, this isnt speculation but is based upon compelling evidence.