Cross is a pagan symbol, watchtower is a pagan symbol too

by Noelle 55 Replies latest jw friends

  • Gill

    Interesting 'Knights' Templar' picture (possibly) top right hand corner and is that a Bishop's Crook along with other 'weapons'. Never noticed those before and it's interesting how the WT has gone back to a simplified WT on it's study mags. Hmmm.

    Still think they're stuffed, however.

  • reniaa

    I am a born in JW 3rd generation been lapse for 10 years now but I can honestly say I have never seen a tie with a watchtower on or lapel badges, I cannot say the same about Crosses I don't even practise that religion and can't escape them, from the around the neck, too someone making a cross-shape in the air.

    I don't doubt those badges exists somewhere but if a few brothers were foolish enough to do them then it doesn't validate your point unless my next question applies...... Is there a uniform code in the bethel were all the ties have watchtowers on them and people are given lapel badges with watchtowers on them to wear in the bethel as part of their uniform? this is a serious question, If this is part of their uniform like the cross is spread all over clergy clothing in a multiplicity of christian faiths then I will agree with your point.

    The biggest point that is missing on this thread is paganism isn't just about origin but also about usage! is something that has pagan origins being used in the same way as it originally intended with those pagan origins?

    You can definately say this of the cross it's always been a symbol of diety and worship from it's pagan roots onwards, Now lets look at JW usage of the Watchtower it the symbol on the front of one of their magazine and the lapsed title of the organisation (say watchtower and tract society to average person they'll go "Huh?" say Jehovah's witness and they'll know who your talking about)

    I just don't think the pagan arguments on this thread are very strong. You may disagree but i think original post sounds like the appologist trying to drag up a pagan link and comparative equality between the Cross and the watchtower which just doesn't stand up to close scrutiny.

  • ninja

    reni.......have a drink with the ninja tonight....go on a bottle of wine and befriend an apostate......hic.....your mate...da ninja

  • diamondblue1974

    The Cross and Crown also is a symbol of sexual union - the cross being phallic and the crown being the feminine counter part - again this has its basis as Gill said within the Knights Templar and Masonic Orders. It could also be said to have a pagan link given its connection with Male and Female elements of the divine.


  • Gill

    With regard to the rays of that Sun, and this is pure speculation on my part, I suspect that should all the rays of a full sun be drawn in, there would probably be 33 of them.

    C T Russell, being, most possibly either a Mason, or knowledgable about their esoteric beliefs may well have attempted to encapsulate everything symbolic of esoteric beliefs on the front page of the very early Watchtowers, bearing in mind that the original ones were called 'Zion's Watchtower'.

    'Zion' was the name of the Masonic Order closest to where Russell lived.

    I suspect that Rutherford would not have had esoteric leanings that Russell had and may well have poo - pooed 'all that clap trap'.

    However, WT symbology remains very interesting when considering their origins but it appears, occassionally, even unofficially in modern mags, as in the famous / infamous picture in the 'Live Forever Book' where the thief is running from police and a necklace with an ornamant strikingly remsembling the famous 'Illuminati symbol' or 'the Eye of God' is falling out of his loot bag.

    I suspect that the WT is basically just taking the p@@# out off everyone who chooses to follow them, as they are well aware that they are bull shitting everyone......and are in it for the power and the cash. You can't get to the top of an organization like the WTBTS without understanding that their whole belief system is built on postulating BS and understanding that basically, all they care about is MONEY.

    They know who their God is and it sure ain't they will have discovered in their vast library of esoteric beliefs who Jehovah really is....and more importantly.....who he definitely isn't.

  • diamondblue1974
    The biggest point that is missing on this thread is paganism isn't just about origin but also about usage! is something that has pagan origins being used in the same way as it originally intended with those pagan origins?

    For someone that has been out of the Witnesses for 10 years you are certainly applying a modern reasoning prescribed by the society! If this actually applies, what about Birthdays?

    You can definately say this of the cross it's always been a symbol of diety and worship from it's pagan roots onwards, Now lets look at JW usage of the Watchtower it the symbol on the front of one of their magazine and the lapsed title of the organisation (say watchtower and tract society to average person they'll go "Huh?" say Jehovah's witness and they'll know who your talking about)

    No they wont, Jehovahs Witnesses are well known for their connection to the Watchtower Society.

    I just don't think the pagan arguments on this thread are very strong. You may disagree but i think original post sounds like the appologist trying to drag up a pagan link and comparative equality between the Cross and the watchtower which just doesn't stand up to close scrutiny.

    There were not just pagan arguments but those related to the Occult whether that be Christian Occultism or otherwise - the fact is the Watchtower symbol was introduced at a time when it was being widely used by Occultists including Masons and Hermeticists as well as Pagans.

    Not doing a good job of remaining no part of this world eh?


  • Magick

    The Tower card denotes abrupt changes in life. The structure upon which you have built your ideals, beliefs, values or pride has become outdated, challenged and consumed by changes in its structure from the foundation on up. The tower you have built around your beliefs has no choice but to fall down, crumbling before your eyes.

    The left side of The Tower is dark and forbidding. Lightning splits the ominous night sky as fire consumes the structure. But this collapse has a future to look forward to. There will be a new structure, a new and calmer day, as evidenced by the sun in the right half of the picture.

    Changes may be in a belief system, in spirituality, within employment or relationships. However, whatever structure is broken down, there is potential for a new one in its place.

    The Tower signifies earthshaking changes in your life. Amid fire and lightning this upheaval of your core should bring new insights into life and bring about a change. Whether this change is good or bad is up to your acceptance of it. A change can be a liberating thing, freeing you from old behaviors and routines; yet a change can also be a frightening thing to deal with, bringing a loss of familiarity and security for a time.

    A negative side to this card would be to remain static and not allow a necessary change to take place, becoming trapped in an old outdated system.

  • Gill

    Magick - ee' by gum! That card would make a fantastic front page for a Watchtower!!!

  • Awakened at Gilead
    Awakened at Gilead


    I appreciate the explanation, but I dobn'yt get it. Above you show a Tarot card, and below you describe the WTS to a tee... i.e The Tower signifies earthshaking changes in your life...

    What's the tarot card mean, then?

  • Magick

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