Whenever I ponder on the beliefs and practices of the Mormon church, I wonder how anyone can belief such rubbish. Even when I was an active JW I looked at Mormons as down right kooky, what with their special underwear, the Book of Mormon, the American Indians being Isrealites, the tablets, etc, etc, etc. I was glad as a kid that I wasn't Mormon because at least as a JW we could drink sodas...
Even after I discovered that I was in a f'd up religion and made my way out, I still see Mormons as so out there, that there's no way you can defend their beliefs, yet so many people become or remain Mormons.
When I compare Mormon beliefs with JW beliefs, it seems easier to disprove or discount Mormon beliefs vs JW ones. Is it because I was in the JWs so long that I still have some deprogramming to do or are the JWs just a little more believable since they don't have the history that the Mormons do, what with polygamy and their own "bible" and such?
Is it just my perception or are the Mormon beliefs just that much wackier? Or maybe the JWs are just that much sneakier?