Testing the waters, advice?

by Lady Zombie 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • Lady Zombie
    Lady Zombie

    I know a fellow who like me, was born into the JWs. His father (a long time elder) and mother are both hard core JWs. Let's call him "Robert." Even though he's about 10 years older than me (making him 48), he and I grew up together in the JWs.

    Robert has always had a mouth on him. I remember him always whispering and snickering at stuff, from other JWs all the way down to biblical stuff. He was a lot of fun. Oddly though, he was never thought of as bad association. All the witnesses still talk to him and he even goes on trips with other JWs (those whom he can actually stand to be around).

    He has faded, came back, and faded again several times in his life.

    He has never married and never really had girlfriend. Honestly I think he's bisexual. He's expressed admiration for both male and female beauty. But really for any practical sense, he is asexual. He's celibate and, well, asexual.

    Although who knows! He may have a secret boyfriend. Or secret girlfriend. Or maybe one of each!

    Anyway, like me, he's never come out and renounced the JWs because of his family and friends. Right now, he goes to meetings off and on. Not fading, not active either.

    Although his family and he doesn't go to the congregation I do, I am thinking about making contact with him.

    I want to sit down, just him and I, and talk about stuff. I want to tell him that I think the WTBTS is a bunch of crap, I don't believe in any of it, that the whole thing is insane. I would explain to him that the reason I am talking to him is because I think he feels the same and how I'd like to get to know him all over again, but this time with the shared experience of being born into the JWs, thinking it's crap, and so on.

    Thing is, although I'm about 75 to 80% sure he feels the same about things and I do, I'm not 100% for sure. Like Neo was told in The Matrix, you can never be sure who is an agent because everyone could be an agent. I'm worried that he might end up being an inactive witness but who still believes and may possibly turn me in once he finds out what I really think.

    Aaargh this really sucks! I hate it. Always worried about getting 'caught', always looking over your shoulder, always worried about who may rat you out. All because of the Orwellian nature of the bOrg. Oh yes, such a "loving" organization it is.

    What would you all do in this situation? Would you go ahead and contact him and talk about this, or would you play it safe and keep up the charade of being a believing JW?

  • Awakened at Gilead
    Awakened at Gilead

    I don't know the details of your situation. I'm not looking over my shoulder anymore... I was DAd last week...

    But sounds like waters can be tested. You can get burned thjough. I called someone Dfd this week and was told not to call back... LOL.. the Df shuns the DA...

    Maybe you can go a little softer instead of outright attacking the Borg, just express doubts and see if he bites...


  • ninja

    I would ask him for a loan of $1000 and then tell him of your hatred for the org.....if he shuns you...its a win win situation....ninja...(always thinking)

  • Casper

    Ninja, I like the way you think....


    Maybe you could drop some hints about one of the recent changes and see what he says...

    I don't think I would drop any major bombs right off tho.

    You never know what might happen.

    I wish you the best of luck...


  • Wordly Andre
    Wordly Andre

    I say try it in small amounts you might find you have a friend who is in the same boat as you

  • Lady Zombie
    Lady Zombie


  • The Lone Ranger
    The Lone Ranger

    i am in exactly the same postions.. be careful...some think that 'turning you in', is an act of Godly devotion. And the elders will be happy with them.

    But do try it, a bit at a time, but be ready to deny it if needed.

    I don't believe in getting yourself DFed...

  • Lady Zombie
    Lady Zombie

    I think I'm going to go ahead and initiate contact. I'll take it nice and slow and cautiously.

    I've got a good feeling about it though. I'm pretty sure he feels the same way about the Borg as I do.

    I think I'll start it off [after a respectable amount of catching up chit chat] 'Hey Robert, do you get to a lot of meetings nowadays?'

    If he answers no, I'll say something like, 'Me neither. It just isn't in me anymore.'

    I'll go from there based on body language, attitude, and tone of voice.

  • jwblog
    What would you all do in this situation? Would you go ahead and contact him and talk about this, or would you play it safe and keep up the charade of being a believing JW?

    Why start off a relationship with deception. Talk with him and get to know him. You can honestly say that you are not 100% convinced that all they teach is completely true. It is better to keep silent then to tell a lie. Express your thoughts openly and ask those that are taking the lead questions without being hateful. There are many strong spiritual people in the organization and I have met many loving ones that I treasure. Worship in spirit and truth and do not deliberately break the laws of God. You are serving your Heavenly Father not man.

  • flipper

    LADY ZOMBIE- If as you say this friend has a " loud mouth" be prepared for him to talk with others about your discussion with him if you and him discuss things. It is a really bad habit some witnesses have ( even if they aren't very active ) of running off at the mouth about everybodie's life - AND what people say to them, especially about the organization. Use your discretion - but be prepared for the consequences of feedback from others if you choose to talk to the guy. Just giving you something to think about - Peace out, Mr. Flipper


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