Testing the waters, advice?

by Lady Zombie 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • Homerovah the Almighty
    Homerovah the Almighty

    I'd be very careful with this guy really

    sitting on the fence types can very disingenuous to people even their associated friends

    Bringing up the JWS should be done tactfully

  • Eyes Open
    Eyes Open

    Could go either way. I got my hopes up about an inactive couple, but it turned out they were still deluded. Another friend wasn't.

    Go careful, and all the best. I like your proposed approach. Remember you can always say more another time, but can't take things back.

  • Hortensia

    You'll have to follow your instincts. I know someone like your friend. He's really nice, everyone likes him. He has said outright he just doesn't believe the JW doctrine, but goes along with the program for his family. No one seems to mind! He was a ministerial servant, gave Sunday talks, although I think he has let that go over the years. Easy going guy that everyone likes, therefore no flack.

  • Champion

    Just be careful. I remember when I first found this site and I really wanted to shout to the world about the JW bullshit. But my one brother is still very strong in the "truth". One of my other brothers who is also out, told me to cool it because my brother was starting to get the feeling I was apostate!! He was afraid my brother would stop speaking to me..

    So go slowly because you just never know with JW's

    Just my 2cents.


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