What did you think in -95?

by Samuel Thorsen 47 Replies latest jw friends

  • CyrusThePersian
    I went to a couple of khs...when they studied the articles...just to see what the reaction would be.... It was wierd... no reaction at all... I don't think most jws got it for a while....took a long time to sink in...

    I know!! It was weird, wasn't it?

    Like I said above, I was the Watchtower conductor at the time and I remember as we were going over those paragraphs about the generation change thinking, "Come on people! Wake the **** up already!!


  • leftbelow

    I just figured I was to stupid to understand it and in time someone smarter then me would help me to understand. Looking back I never really did understand what they were trying to say and then again maybe they didn't understand what they were trying to say either.

  • tnangel73
    The 1995 "new light" is what drove the final nail in the WBTS coffin for me. I knew that anything the organization published could not be the truth. I spent most of my teenage years fearing destruction by an impending armageddon.

    Yeah, me too. I remember when we studied that article. I was pioneering at the time. It really disillusioned me. About year later is when I started fading away.

  • justhuman

    It was the begging of the end at the WT world for me. I recall when this change occured, we had a meeting with the CO all the elders and ministerial servants. In fact I kept my notebook and I have all the events of that meeting.The CO told us that:

    1.We should be happy for this change and it is a prove that the Organization is moving(examle of the Chariot of Hezekiel's vision)

    2.We must be SURE that as leaders in the Congregation and family, that our family has understood PERFECTLY the "new light"and we must help them in case they didn't understand the "new light"...

    3.With the "new light" the "End" is even CLOSER than before...

    I was so nervous about this change. I started reading the old material of the WT. I had most of Judge Jo's books from 1925, plus other old material. Then I found that the WT is changing their dogma from time to time. I was suprised to see that what was considered as "truth" from 1918-1975 it was all wrong. WT never guess a future event correct. I was really suprised by the language that Judge Jo was using. He showed arrogance and he was very offensive towards the other faiths and Goverments, specially the Catholic and Communists. I was also realize that the identity of the Beast was constantly changing. First it was the National Court at Hages. Then the prophecy fullfield and it was dead and came out as Leaque of the Nations. Then the Beast dies again and it was raised as U.N. Also the prophecy tells that the Beast will remain little time but if you compare the time period of the Leaque of the Nations it lasted from 1919-1939 only 20 years. But U.N from 1947 until nowdays is more than 60 years. 3 times more as from the League of the Nations. Also with the "end"of Communist USSR there was another false prophecy. The WT didn't said much things about this matter, in fact they are ignoring it.

    After that I only lasted 4 years and then I started to fade. What I did hate most is the fact that WT used my family in the most destructive way to promote their false gospel. I haven't finished High School, it was the year 1984 and start pioneering because the end was just around the corner. I left school for a crap, and I have never cared about my future. My hope was that Armagedon will end all of my troubles. Even when I started playing music the WT elders came to tell me that I should quit because as an example in the congregation I shouldn't play music.

    Now at the age of 41 I'm trying to survive, working 2-3 jobs just to manage for the neccesarry things in life, broken family, and 2 small kids that staying with my "faithfull"ex-wife, because I have no home or money to claim their custody. It is just a shame how do those old guys in Brooklyn have ruined my life and the life of hundreds of thousands...

  • LouBelle

    Dorktacular: and so you are ! Happy belated birthday I left oh about 3 years ago - my disfellowshipping anniversary is in July

  • WTWizard

    They told me that it doesn't mean that Armageddon was much farther off than was once thought. Of course, that was just so people wouldn't wisely take the time to critically analyze whether they even had the truth.

    I knew that the "generation" change would mean it was now running down generations. It could now just go on like that, forever. And it still could, as long as "new" anointed ones keep coming out of the woodwork.

  • Dorktacular

    Do you have an annual disfellowshipping party? I would! I didn't get DFed as far as I know. I just moved out of town and stopped going! I don't care if the DF me or not. Besides attending a recent funeral, I haven't been to a meeting in 10 years.

  • Finally-Free

    I was working on the sound that day. As usual, I hadn't prepared or even read my watchtower in advance. As soon as the paragraph was read I was shocked, and I re-read it a couple of times. I looked around the hall to see how others were reacting but everyone seemd to be half asleep, as usual. I brought it up with my then-wife later and, as usual, she used her superior intellect to loftily explain to me that nothing has really changed, just our understanding of the word "generation".


  • Dorktacular

    Hell, it was during the Clinton administration....

    President Clinton: "It depends what the meaning of the word "Is" is".

    Watchtower Bible & Tract Society: "It depends what the meaning of the word "generation" is".

    Dorktacular: "It depends what the meaning of the word "Bullshit" is".

  • Dorktacular

    Hey! I just became a master member! Woo Hoo! Do I get a cake or something?

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