Sitting her forgetting it all.

by Sparkplug 87 Replies latest jw friends

  • BabaYaga


    While the site was down I kept thinking about you and your precious daughter, and hoped you had some good news regarding her situation. I see no update here, but I hope that things come together and all of your beloveds' hearts get lighter very, very soon.

    Love and strength...

  • moreisbetter

    Baba, I couldn't have said it better. I too have been thinking about Spark and her daughter; hoping and sending great thoughts to both. I hope all is well.

  • RollerDave

    If prayers count for anything, count mine in.

    Here's hoping we have good news soon.


  • JWdaughter

    Sparky, I'm sorry for the hell you are going through now. I never did anything like that and my mom STILL cursed me with "wait till you have kids of your own" (That curse works every time BTW:))

    I have no wisdom. My son has a sports car and a motorcycle, and that has been the immediate terror in my life for years now. I got nothing to tell you to help other than you know we love you, we love her, and are all hoping for good things.

    Hug your others close, and hope your daughter remembers all the hugs she got too. She wants and needs something that she can't say in words. I hope you can both figure out what it is.

    Love, Shelly

  • JWdaughter

    Decki, right now I wish I could hop on a plane and come and fret with you-make the flyers, harrass the cops(in a positive way) walk the streets. . .I hope you will enlist friends (or supportive strangers if necessary) to help you with this. Maybe a christian or volunteer teen group-or something would help you get out the flyers?

    If you need some serious chocolate-PM me. I can get some good stuff:)


  • lisaBObeesa

    Still thinking of you and all that you wrote and are going through...

  • Crumpet

    Your description of what your son is doing made tears spring to my eyes. He is a treasure! It must be very hard for him too.

    The only consolation is that I left when I was 16 too, I didn't go back until I was nearly 18. Nothing too awful happened to me, mostly the world was a much safer place than I had been led to believe. Yes I dabbled with drugs but pretty much I seemed to draw good caring people towards me who kept the bad ones away. Hopefully your girl has this same thing to protect her and once she is tired of it all she will come home or at least call you.

    Thinking of you and hoping you hear good news from her soon.

  • Sparkplug


    Wanted to reply to each and every one of you, but that is not going so good so far. So just to update...Nothing. Thought I may have her back yesterday. Did not work.

    That is it.

    Thanks for the help, advice, and experiences. Doing all I can.


  • Casper

    Awwww Decki,

    I am so sorry to hear that , was hoping for good news....

    sending supportive thoughts your way....


  • snowbird

    Still thinking of you, hoping and praying that all will turn out well.

    There is a lot more that I could say, but words seem so ineffectual right now.


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