DA or not DA or continue slipping away ?

by alliwannadoislive 29 Replies latest jw friends

  • alliwannadoislive

    hey i totally appreciate your input here - and i'm surprised it's not more strongly for DA-ing

    i was baptised in 1983 so i didn't dedicate myself to the organisation - i agree there is a mental freedom in that knowledge

    however upset with the organisation i am though - i could never slam the door in the face of anyone - i am so not religious, but for me, people are everything and i would never want to humiliate or disrespect anyone - much as i would love to have a devil-may-care attitude, i can't do that

    i've been slipping away since 1997 and i kinda want closure but there are two or three people in the congregation that i enjoy the occasional hug from - but also there are many who pretend not to see me and have even shunned my children ... JW love seems to be shown in the form of petty and immature social inadequacies ...

    in this community i have found so many of you who have the knowledge and understanding that has made all the difference to me over the past months - thanks to you all :)

  • josephus

    hi please think carefully about this decision.

    if you leave quietly, life IS easier.

    if you write the letter, who are writing it for ?

    i want to get some closure, but that is simply selfish.

    by staying i have helped four others know the "truth about the truth".

    and of course there is NO SCRIPTURAL REASON TO DO IT !!!!!1

    by writing that letter you show them that you are still following thier rules.

    anyway thats my two cents.

    good luck , whatever you do.



  • Mum

    I don't understand the issue about when you were baptized, so I cannot comment on that. I have been out since 1979.

    Just fading away seems the best option to me, particularly if you care about certain people still on the inside and want to maintain some contact or be able to at least say hello to them from time to time.

    Best wishes with your decision.


    Seize the day, and put the least possible trust in tomorrow. - Horace

    I have learned to live each day as it comes and not to borrow trouble by dreading tomorrow. - Dorothy Dix

  • ISP

    I think you can be more of a problem to them if you hang around! Think about it. They would love for you to DA yourself. For you to be seen in your area by JWs...with a smile on your face, happy etc. will speak volumes. You are more likely to get people to see you as a normal person who has found a better life.


  • Englishman


    They still meeting in that dump in Raglan Street?


    Nostalgia isn't what it used to be....

  • ISP

    Hi eman...was that for me?!

    BTW do you have msn messenger and a headset?


  • Princess

    If you DA yourself you are playing by their rules. Let the Christmas lights blaze away, if they feel the need to DF you, they are playing the game. If you DA first, you are playing the game. Do your own thing, they have no control over you anymore. Just by walking out the door you are free.


  • yrs2long

    I think I read either in "Crisis of Conscience" or "Apocalypse Delayed" that the society changed the wording in the early '80's because some were leaving and claiming that made a vow of loyalty to Jehovah and Jesus, not to an organization. I vaguely remember standing and sleepily answering "Yes" to something about recognizing that Jehovah was using an earthly organization or something to that effect. I believe it is the second question you are asked at the baptismal talk.

  • Tanalyst

    Please up your homeowners insurance if you hang out lites. If you ever want them 3 huggers in the future, pass on the lites and D'A. You can't educate any of them once your out. good luck

  • outnfree

    Slip away.

    I am particularly frustrated today because I am unable to broach the UN subject with three people I'd like to inform because they have learned that I DA'd myself earlier this year.

    That said, if you're not an 'activist' type who wants to bring anyone out, then do whatever it is that will please yourself. Personally, I took pleasure in rejecting THEM at the time, but now I'd do the slow fade so that I could more effectively campaign against the WTBTS.


    In dealing with fear, the way out is in -- Sheldon Kopp

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