To confirm what candlelight said: New agers are concerned with themselves while Christians are concerned with others (yeah right).
What is the problem with new age stuff?
by loosie 25 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
:What is the problem with new age stuff?
It has too much new age stuff in it, I think.
Jw's are indoctrinated with alot of fears, including "new age".
These christians I was talking to were not Jw's just regular christians. I guess fear doesn't only apply to he Jw religion.
Loosie, here is a definition of new age. New Age is a recent and developing belief system in North America encompassing thousands of autonomous (and sometime contradictory) beliefs, organizations, and events. Generally the New Age borrows its theology from pantheistic Eastern religions and its practices from 19th century Western occultism. The term “New Age” is used herein as an umbrella term to describe organizations which seem to exhibit one or more of the following beliefs: (1) All is one, all reality is part of the whole; (2) Everything is God and God is everything; (3) Man is God or a part of God; (4) Man never dies, but continues to live through reincarnation; (5) Man can create his own reality and/or values through transformed consciousness or altered states of consciousness. Loosie, one of the new age concepts is that they are beginning to steer the christians toward some changes like ideas of "the new earth" or as JWs call it, "paradise". They are using the idea that the new earth can be brought about by "Transformed consciousness". They are also promoting "religious neutrality". ("all roads lead to god.") These christians are beginning to notice some real changes coming into the doctrine that weren't there before and its sending up red flags. They used to teach "end of the world"; now they are changing the wording to imply something different by calling it "end of the Age". ALL of these churches have joined the UN and they are NGOs. They are not just small town home grown. All of the denominations are huge alliances, networks of conglomerations. It's huge. One of the things they have been doing the past couple of years is changing out the pastors. The new pastors coming in are UN-NGO trained and they are easing in the new agenda and kicking out people who will not submit. The christian churches have begun to disfellowship with just as much forcefulness as the Watchtower. Anyone who won't go along with the new trend is kicked out so that they do not influence the others. They are silenced. All of this is intended to morph the religions into a unified group. They emphasize the similarity of all religions rather than the differences. They are beginning to teach that the "new heaven and the new earth" is not literal, but is just a "new way of thinking". Loosie, the purpose of the NGO's is to implement the agenda of the UN and they have taken both pledges and extensive training to do this. The goal of the UN is to create a "sustainable peace and security". However, a "sustainable peace" can only be achieved when everyone submits to a beehive mentality and are on the same page. A "sustainable security" can only be achieved when the natural resources such as food, water and fuel, are balanced for everyone on the planet. In order to achieve the "sustainable peace and security" there must be a depopulation of the planet. To paraphrase information that has been printed through a climate control propaganda agency "the industralized North (referring to USA and UK) has 20% of the worlds population and uses 80% of the world's natural resources." It is very unbalanced and there is resentment among countries all aimed at the most developed. When the King of the North comes against "God's people" it will not be the JWs. It will be against the OVERCOMERS who have been called out of these kingdoms of satan. It will be those of us who follow the teachings of Jesus. The king of the North comes against those who cannot be mind controlled. Paradise Earth is a lie. The New Age churches teach that "the new heaven and the new earth" is brought about simply by a "new way of thinking". That new way of thinking is a mind controlled unity. The scriptures tell us this: 2 Thessolonians 2:10-12 and with all the deceit of unrighteousness in those who perish, because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved. And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie, that they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness. The truth of the matter is this: John 14:2 In my Father's house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. John 14:28 You have already heard me say that I am going and that I will also come back to you. If you really love me, you should be glad that I am going back to the Father, because he is greater than I am. Paradise Earth is a LIE. Jesus is coming back for us and we will be taken somewhere else. This planet is not going to be remodeled. Jesus said that when he returns he will return IN GLORY, not invisible and hiding out in Brooklyn. He says every eye will see him. This is literal. Watchtower blasphemes the very words of Jesus. Winnower
Let me just say that Rachel Ray, Dr. Phil, and Suze Orman all three scare the crap out of me.
And Oprah started all three of them.
For the most part, that was accurate. However, the depopulation idea is fringe, as far as i can tell. Secondly, i think christians are much more controlled than are new agers individually and in their various groups. Does that mean that new agers are in peril from the king of the north? Don't you think that bringing about more general unity on the earth would be a good thing?