No more Circuit Oveerseers???

by Gordy 27 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Gordy

    Anyone come across this?

    Monday, May 19, 2008

    Lastest News! No More Circuit Overseers
    Well the decision has been made. The position of Circuit Overseer is being done away with. No more Circuit Overseer! I don't know when this will be announced or take effect, but I will let you know as soon as I hear. So many things are changing it's really hard to keep up with it all. I believe the plan now is to have "mature" elders visiting congregations to make sure that everything is okay and to give their independent opinions as to the status of the congregation they are visiting.


  • slimboyfat

    Hey Gordon see here:

    and where I predicted it:

    This is Donald here by the way.

  • Gordy

    Hi Donald,

    How you keeping these days?

    I had a feeling this subject would be on here somewhere, but couldn't find it.

    Once I heard the book group was to be done away with I wondered what else they could cut down on.

    I thought Circuit Overseers could be one thing. One thought put forward is the cost of having CO's, car and flat etc, for them. But their costs are, if I recall, mainly borne by the Circuits they serve, and the congregations they visit. Are they finding Circuits are not contributing enough?

    As to replacing them with "mature Elders" who would visit congregations. This has been done when a CO could not visit. We used to get a brother from another congregation visit instead. Also our Field Service overseer would sometimes go to other congregations as a stand-in CO. Or is it another case of brothers not wanting the job and there being a "shortage" of CO's.

    I know as you say that if this had been announced when we were JWs then it would have been a shock. The CO's visit twice a year was a "highlight" especially if you had one who was good.

    But is anything these days going to surprise them anymore? They seem to changing this and that every couple of months lately. Whether its teachings or organisational.

    Still we will have to wait until it is much certain, an official announcement, that they are doing away with the CO. Unless someome knows for certain?

    Keep well Donald

  • DaCheech

    how is this going to work in foreign language congregations?

    some rare languages are spread apart by many miles?

  • Honesty

    Next thing to go will be the domestic bank accounts.

    "Offshore rates are higher and allow Jehovah's organization to move forward at a more rapid pace."

  • WTWizard

    I also heard that, instead of a hounder-hounder that takes care of 25 or so congregations, we will have hounder-hounders that are more local. They will take care of the congregations in a city instead of a larger area. More frequent visits, having him on hand for trouble, and assistance for the Great Recapture the Faders Plan of 2009 are to be expected. And, instead of having the wastes of paper not get done and hearing about it 6 months later, they will show up during the Waste of Paper Distribution Campaign to make sure they are distributing wastes of paper instead of going to Starbucks or Dunkin Donuts.

  • Room 215
    Room 215

    Hey Honesty, re overseas accounts: Right now if the boys in Brooklyn exchange their US$ for almost any foreign currency, especially the Euro or the British Pound, they'll take an enormous beating.

  • TweetieBird

    This doesn't surprise me if really true. Most congregations that I attended, the BOE put on a show when the CO came around and after he left it went back to business as usual. I never really felt he had much of an impact on the elders, but most JW's enjoyed the change in the monotonous routine.

  • Poztate

    I think one of the reasons speculated on here for the possible change is to provide a separation between head office (WTBTS) and the local congregations.

    It the event of lawsuits damage might be limited to the local level where settlements would be much lower.

    Money would certainly be a main reason for any change. Lack of people willing to fill the post I am sure would be another.

  • Gregor

    This is going to leave some 'professional' COs in a difficult position. I know of a CO and his wife who are in their 60s and don't have a pot to p--- in or a window to throw it out of. I can't imagine his Social Security amounting to much. Almost feel sorry for them. Almost.


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