I'm meeting with the elders...

by cognac 45 Replies latest jw friends

  • JK666


    Just don't say anything incriminating, be vague and a lot of "I don't knows." The only exception is if they ask a loyalty question about the Organization - they will ask that if they are wanting to JC you. Tell them "of course" to that question if you still want to fade.


  • Bring_the_Light

    How about the passive-aggressive approach. Respond to everything with "I don't understand", "That doesn't make sense to me", or "I'll pray on that". Just keep it up until they get tired and give them nothing. Alternatively ask if your friends can attend via conference call and we'll all show up :)

  • Layla33

    Yes and if they are taping it, you can always plead the fifth amendment, that will really piss them off.

    Every question I would say, "I'm sorry, I will not answer that question" and "I plead the fifth".

    Remember, you are an adult, you have free will and they can not make you do anything you don't want to do. Stay strong.

  • PEC

    I like the idea of spiking their drinks, maybe they could feel the holy spirit if you do.


  • crazyblondeb

    Thinking of you right now......hope you give them an ass whooping!!

  • OnTheWayOut

    I am just getting onboard with this thread now. It's probably already in motion or about to be soon.
    I doubt, from all that's been said by you, cognac, that they are ready to demand a JC or a DA.
    They just want to mold you into the WT ways. If you are still pre-meeting, just do as you need to
    do. Be yourself. Hold back if you feel them pressuring you to "make a decision." Say it may take

    Strength and positive vibes to ya.

  • JWdaughter

    Cognac, you need to decide if you care if you are DF'd or not. If you choose to fade, then you need to be very noncommittal in your responses to the interrogation/shepherding call. Don't give them any reason to DF you. If you don't care, then you can pour out all your doubts and issues and be honest with your feelings. My warning to you is that I was a 15 y.o DA'd girl who just asked Bible questions that challenged them---I wasn't even picking on the org. itself. I was telling them what I read in the Bible and said I really couldn't see how the WT was teaching the truth on that matter. I was DA'd before I even knew I was in trouble!

    You just need to choose what you want, and then use your communication skills (which they have been teaching your for years) to steer things the way you want them to go.

    What do you want? What do you expect from this? What do you expect from your husband? Does he know? Does he care?

  • flipper

    COGNAC - I like PEC's idea about spiking their drinks. Give them iced tea or something - too bad you couldn't put some tasteless chemical in there that would knock them out ! But I agree with others who are saying don't give them anything to work with in trying to get you into a judicial committee. You don't have to tell them ANYTHING . It's your right to have your personal opinions- they are just playing the " I want to control your life " game . But it's not a game - it's YOUR life ; and how you view things is NONE of their business. They will only take advantage of you insofar as you let them. Do not let them. It's your life. Don't let your husband pressure you into saying things either to them that you don't want to say. It sounds like hubby has already pressured you into meeting with them ; against your wishes. You have my wife and my good wishes with you sis ! Let us know how it goes ! Peace out,Mr. Flipper

  • JWdaughter

    If all you want out of this is for them to not hurt your feelings. . .I'd cry. If you can do it on a dime, anyway:) Just keep repeating(as appropriate)--I'm so confused, I love Jehovah, but all this is just so hard, it's so hard, I love his Word, but it just isn't making sense with what is taught and I don't know what to do with it all. All I EVER wanted to do was serve Jah (at which point, look up sincerely-BIG TEARS-)YOU KNOW THAT!!! but I need to make certain that this is how I am supposed to do that. I just need (sniff sniff) time alone with Jehovah and his word, the Bible.

    Yes, it is disingenuous and manipulative, but hell, tears always happen when we DON'T want them to! Turn about and all that.

    Besides, Tears scare men off quicker than a raging polar bear would. If you just want to avoid conflict, and not have your feelings hurt, scare the pants off of 'em. They will go away and be scared to talk to you for years.


  • loosie


    Spike their drinks with visine...it gives them diareeha (sp)

    I agree with JW daughter. CRY a lot. It confuses them and makes the meeting over quickly.

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