I must agree with Burn. =0
However, I do suspect that financial institutions, unable to profit from selling various forms of packaged debt like they were doing a year ago, are taking the emergency loans of the Fed and investing in anything likely to make money, which in this case includes commodities. So, there could in fact be a price bubble happening right now based on speculation in the world markets. The problem with this is that they may be creating a positive feedback loop whereby economic stagnation caused by rising prices ultimately hurts those selfsame financial institutions even more. But, you see, they really have no choice. This is a game that simply must be played until the players die off. No, the world is not fair, and ultimately you have to look out for your own survival.
As Burn pointed out, supply has remained pretty flat in the past couple of years. We are not about to "run out" of oil, yet many countries are past peak production and are in decline. Major producers are consuming more petroleum internally and exporting less oil as a result. This "net export" decline is leaving importers bidding up the price to attempt to maintain market share. Unfortunately, no alternatives exist on a scale sufficient to cover these declines, and I am not optimistic that there will be any in the future, at least not for a world that looks anything like the throw-away consumer culture of today.
Demand is pushing the limits of supply as it is, and here we are going into hurricane season. Supply disruptions anywhere in the world are likely to result in spot shortages. Humanity has created this vast marvel of a distribution and supply network on a scale and magnitude that boggles the imagination. When I read people claiming elite conspiracies, I must disagree. We are all like fleas on a vast headless monster. No one is "in control". The elites who think they are in control are merely like ticks fighting amongst themselves. They may get a bigger portion of the "blood" to be had, but in the end they are all just as disposable as the rest of us. Sorry to sound so nihilistic.