Top 80 Best Short Atheist Quotes About Atheism And Religion

by digderidoo 20 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • digderidoo

    Ok for all you freethinkers out there check this out.

    Excellent link, explaining logical reasons why someone should be an atheist.

    My favourite is the very first one, " Surely you do not believe in the gods? What's your argument? Where's your proof? ". Placing the need for evidence and proof direct into the theist's lap.


  • digderidoo

    I can see the logic and reasoning in all of those quotes, yet why am i still not an atheist?

    When i look at the marvels of this earth i see intelligent design. For this reason i wrestle with the atheist argument.


  • Lady Zombie
    Lady Zombie

    Hey Dig, have you watched this guy's videos?

  • digderidoo

    Looks like an interesting guy LZ.

    I know that atheism is the logical and reasonable way to go but as i have said i see intelligent design everywhere i look. I cannot accept that all of this came by chance, but at the same time does this mean i have to worship a creator? And does it mean it's the God of the bible?


  • catbert


    What kind of geek is facinated by this:

    A geek like me, thats who.

  • digderidoo

    What kind of geek is facinated by this:

    The kind of geek who has been rained off work all day, so sits in front of the computer before their kids get home cus he knows they're gonna take it over!

    Cus thats me.


  • Lady Zombie
    Lady Zombie

    I know that atheism is the logical and reasonable way to go but as i have said i see intelligent design everywhere i look. I cannot accept that all of this came by chance, but at the same time does this mean i have to worship a creator? And does it mean it's the God of the bible?

    I hear you. After a certain amount of time though, I just couldn't accept any form of creative entity. It just didn't hold up. Sure I concede that I may in fact be wrong, that there may be something there, although it's highly unlikely.

    Have you read Richard Dawkins' The God Delusion? You probably have, but I thought he was especially eloquent defending the atheist perspective.

    Anyway, Pat Condell is hilarious. Very intelligent, very dry sense of humor (British you know).

  • Lady Zombie
    Lady Zombie

    Anyway, Pat Condell is hilarious. Very intelligent, very dry sense of humor (British you know).

    By the way, that was just a little good natured ribbing.

  • digderidoo

    Yes i have read The God Delusion, interesting book.

    British dry sense of humour? No


  • Superfine Apostate
    Superfine Apostate

    i wonder what "unintelligent design" would look like. maybe just like our universe?

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