How Did You Deal With Weirdo Witnesses?

by minimus 50 Replies latest jw friends

  • snowbird

    He had a thing about blacks and once accused his elder pioneer partner of fathering a "nigger baby" with a docile black sister.

    It seems this "thing about Blacks" haunted many a White Witness.

    I'm convinced the blood transfusion issue sprang from this mindset.

    One day, it's all going to come out in the open.


  • minimus

    You think they were afraid of getting Negro blood??

  • snowbird
    You think they were afraid of getting Negro blood??

    Yes siree, and the attendant personality changes that came with it. Like a certain craving for fried chicken, watermelons, moonshine, etc.


  • hillbilly
    You think they were afraid of getting Negro blood??

    Yes siree, and the attendant personality changes that came with it. Like a certain craving for fried chicken, watermelons, moonshine, etc.

    Those symptoms are not black at all.... I'd worry about a blood tranfusion from anyone who grew up south of Indianapolis if those craving are a problem.

    Hill (anything but Chitlins class)

  • snowbird

    Hill (anything but Chitlins class)

    How could I forget chitlins? That should have been at the top of the list!


  • mouthy

    There are some real weird Witnesses!

    Raises hand!!!!!!! I was one

  • minimus

    Mouthy, there are some weird exWitnesses too, huh?

  • aligot ripounsous
    aligot ripounsous

    We had a funny guy in a London congregation who would refuse to blow his nose and he explained to me that King David must have made sacrifices to please Jehovah, such as refraining from going to the toilet. He went to the district assembly running (londoners will appreciate) from Steatham to Twickenham.

  • Dorktacular

    I always loved the witnesses who harbored secret (or not so secret) prejudices or "unchristian" political opinions. My wife and my step-mother got in a political argument when my wife finally asked her why she was so opinionated about politics when Jehovah's Witnesses aren't supposed to engage in the political process or vote? That shut her up.

    I've known quite a few "weird" witnesses, but I think they would have been just as weird if they weren't witnesses. We had one guy who was totally obsessed with collecting Star Trek crap. I think he worshiped Captain Kirk!

  • ninja

    I think for a lot of weirdos....witnesses are a harbour from the stormy world.....well it was for me.........(disclaimer....that last statement might just be true...or decide)

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