first post...nervous
by passwordprotected 63 Replies latest members private
Welcome, passwordprotected. Look forward to reading more posts. You being an elder at present gives you some perspective and insight most of us do not have regarding the org. For instance, you mention some more 'changes' on the horizon. Could you share some of those with us?
PWP, let's get your viewpoints on a few things:
1. The Watchtowers association with the U.N. for nine years.
2. 1914.
3. 607 BCE.
4. Beth-Sarim.
5. "This Generation" flip-flop and reversal.
You are among friends here.
Welcome to JWD. I think your idea of reading "just the bible" is a good one. I also agree with whoever suggested you read 'Crisis of Conscience' by Ray Franz.
chicken little
Hello PWP,
Just to let you know you are welcome and some of us have been in similar situations. I left last year after being around the org for 43 years, my husband was a n elder at the time and after carefully listening to me he resigned. Told the other elders not to question him just accept his decision and that they would not be seeing us at the meetings. End of discussion, no other attempts to coerce us have taken husband was also a buddy to many in the cong and an excellent speaker.
He has moved on and has never posted here...he doesnt feel the need...I do and have worked out a lot of hangups over the last year by reading here.
Wish you both all the best.
chicken little
Meeting Junkie No More
Welcome, welcome, welcome!
I was extremely nervous my first post also, but this too shall pass! I know it may be extremely difficult for you vis a vis the family; it was fortuitous that our entire family more or less 'woke up' at the same time, albeit for different reasons. We quit the meetings cold turkey, once we saw behind the curtain. But it's a different journey for every person/family. I very much feel for you and yours.
Welcome to JWD passwordprotected.
Open mind
Welcome to JWD, password protected.
I could have "cut and pasted" 95% of your post and put it into my Profile during my first few months posting here. With the exception that I have teenage non-baptized kids, and my wife isn't quite as far along as yours.
As for this:
I've put it in the private member's section for that reason.
That's good but don't let it give you any real sense of safety. My PO could be a registered user reading here for all I know.
So just make sure to not reveal any info that could be personally identifying.
Here's some thoughts to consider about elderhood.
If you are able to jettison most or all of your elder duties, that alone will bring you quite a bit of relief.
If/when you do decide to step aside, don't go telling us exactly when you did it. (Personally identifying. See above.)
A total win-win will be if you can get yourself removed over some issue that your wife thinks is unjustified. For instance, if you're pushing higher education (and your wife agrees it's a good idea) and they decide you no longer qualify, that would make the BOE the bad guys and you the hero instead of a spiritual flake.
If you let the PO know that you're seriously considering stepping aside due to stress, pressure, etc (NOT DOUBTS!) he will likely remove a job or two right off the bat to convince you to stay put.
Learn to say no nicely, if you haven't already.
Tell them you'd like to cut WAY back on meeting parts, if not completely. If you get assigned one that you just cannot bring yourself to give (The recent Baptism Guilt talk for kids on the Service Meeting springs to mind) do a last-minute cancellation.
On parts you don't feel so strongly about, highlight the parts you agree with and ignore the objectionable stuff as much as possible.
Feel free to PM me anytime.
Open Mind
3rd gen JW, still in for family, former (or current?) elder
Welcome Password
You will find people from all sorts of backgrounds here.
With a vast range of experiences of being a JW.
But all willing to give you any help you need.
Doubting Bro
PWP - Welcome to the board!! You are not alone in your feelings (both about being nervous on posting here as well as your coming to the realization that the "Truth" is likely far from it). If you were to go back about 2 years, I could have written your post. OM offers some great advice as you figure out what to do from here.
By the way, another acceptable "excuse" for turning down parts, jobs, etc is "you need to spend more time with your family" (which in most cases is true anyway!!). That's how I started reducing my elder duties until I finally couldn't take it anymore and "stepped aside". If fading is your ultimate goal or if you want to remove yourself from the power structure, you'll need to play it out over several months to avoid raising red flags with your BOE.
Looking forward to your participation. Feel free to PM me anytime to vent!!