How long do you do outdoor watering? (water sprinklers)

by asilentone 23 Replies latest jw friends

  • restrangled

    Depends on where you are located. It should be at least 1 inch of water twice a week. Anyway thats the rule of thumb for here in Florida.

    If you are not sure how much water your lawn is getting, get several empty tuna cans or something of the same size and place them around your yard. When you have one inch of water in every can you will know how long to water. The early morning is best as stated in previous posts. To water in the evening may leave too much moisture overnight and invite mold diseases. Never water when the lawn or plants are under direct sunlight.


  • BurnTheShips

    I don't. I xeriscape to conserve water. I use hardy grasses that come back when rainy season comes and I tend to use native species that get along fine with whatever moisture nature provides. As for weeds, if I can cut it with a lawnmower and it looks green, I don't care.


  • hillbilly
    don't. I xeriscape to conserve water. I use hardy grasses that come back when rainy season comes and I tend to use native species that get along fine with whatever moisture nature provides. As for weeds, if I can cut it with a lawnmower and it looks green, I don't care.


    I did my part. Florida will run out of water way before it runs out of people. The whole area is fragile... and in it's natural no-canal state would not support the population it has today. Even the Indians knew better to try to live down there full time... just came to hunt and fish part of the year.

    I did my part... part of the problem so I moved.


  • momzcrazy
    Did you over- seed with a annual grass like rye?. That kind of seed sprouts out fast... keeps the weeds down and lets the bluegrass or whatever you really want to come up protected

    When we had our house built the landscapers did a horrid job up front. I am still finding gloves and bricks out there. So I am basically starting from scratch. Yeah, I overseeded with rye, and have a hardy mix down so once the grass is big enough I don't need to water. It's just the darn clovers!! We are on a golf course that was a farm once. Overgrown field after that.

    My neighbor has a smaller front lawn than me and had irrigation and sod put in. I will be damned if I bust my back and give up and put down turf!! But I love that green lawn, so I may give up.


  • hillbilly

    I reconditioned several hay pastures over the years and had a problem getting all the old, leftover seed in the sub-soil to die out... an ear or two of corn was one thing..but the ragweed, willow and cedar was another.

    Sometimes you just have to let it all sprout...see what it is... kill it with a herbicide and start over. I am really starting to favor astro turf and pea gravel near the house

    Or can paint that green...any shade you like


  • Finally-Free

    I just moved into my new place 2 months ago and there's more weeds, clover, and thistles in the backyard than grass. Knowing absolutely nothing about lawns and other yardwork doesn't help. Maybe I need to call in a pro.


  • momzcrazy

    I am starting to think pea gravel in the landscaping around the bushes. Beginning to hate mulch. Maybe in the fall....

    Maybe a big circular driveway in the front eat up mowing space.


  • BurnTheShips
    I did my part. Florida will run out of water way before it runs out of people.

    I live in a thinly populated watershed. I am basically on the west edge of the Everglades.,-81.521301&spn=0.209851,0.32135&t=h&z=12

    I am not worried. The cities will run dry but I pump my own h20. And it is good water too, other than the dissolved sulfur gas which I use an aerator for. Very clean.


  • hillbilly

    another note... if you go with natural fertilizers... stay away from Cow poo. Bovines will eat everything ...grass, weeds, barbed wire and the odd T-post.

    All the weed seed passes through... and ends up on the ground.

    Horse poo... on the other hand... Horses, wont eat most weeds (unless they are starving)... and the seeds they pass so they re-seed the range they feed upon. If you get horse poo make sure it has aged (some folks say 6 mo to a year)... when it's fresh the nitrates are to rich and it will burn grass or plants.

    Talk to your garden center... I assume you are growing bluegrass(central TN)?...thats a cool weather grass and will do better if you plant it late season. Lots of people plant cool climate grass in the spring and it burns up.


  • babygirl75
    Beginning to hate mulch

    I absolutely hate mulch! We spent a butt load on mulch two years ago and did all of our landscaping with it and this year had it all taken up. We replaced it with white rock around the deck; back patio; and hot tub deck. I was skeptically at first to use the white rock since we have stone on our house; but it really does compliment it and it looks good!

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