How long do you do outdoor watering? (water sprinklers)
by asilentone 23 Replies latest jw friends
ALWAYS in the early morning ... 4:00 am - 5:00 am
NEVER in the afternoon or evening.
try your state's agriculture extension service. They can tell you how much to water stuff in your area. They can do soil tests and things like that too. Local lawn and garden places are good for advice.
Once you find out how much... rain guages are useful.
oh yea... as a rule of thumb try to water most yard stuff with more volume and less frequency. A little water often will promote shallow root systems ... a good soaking once or twice a week will make roots dive deeper to seek water... and makes a better plant that can survive minor drought.
We do the more volume less frequency thing. But then I have to spend forever each day hand watering my hanging and potted plants and garden. But its worth the loveliness. This is the first year I have really got a hang of gardening. It takes alot of work though!
Yes, early morning and alot all at once. Good soaking couple times a week.
You've got to be kidding! My weeds already grow too fast. Watering them would just make matters worse.
( I knew those semesters in Ag science would pay off... wanna know why boy cows like girl cows?)
Yeah, my weeds grow so much faster than the lawn! A new lawn is so tough to nurture too.
Did you over- seed with a annual grass like rye?. That kind of seed sprouts out fast... keeps the weeds down and lets the bluegrass or whatever you really want to come up protected
(top of the class in "HAY 101")