I have been thinking about this since yesterday or maybe a little bit longer, but cognac's situation situation really struck me and so many others that are in a situation that seems not only like psychological torture, but where someone almost seems imprisoned against their will through the WTS society, it seems to happen in marriages, but not always.
I am a big forensics person, so I was watching some mindless program on television about forensics or something like that (could have even been LAW & Order) and they were trying to find a woman who had "disappeared" and what had actually happened was that a group of people who didn't really know each other, had this silent group who would pick someone up from one point to another, get them away from their abusive spouse/situation, and help them find a job and a place to stay. It took them at least three weeks to track the person down because each person really didn't know the other, they were just one check off point for another.
And I was thinking, couldn't we create a safe haven for those in those high pressured situations? I would be willing to help start it, financially support it, etc I am just in the planning, thought process stage, but I would love to have an aresnal of help from others, who could assist people that are trying to break free, start over, and all of that.
Would anyone else be interested? What kinds of things could we provide, what would be the guidelines? I think it would be a wonderful resource for so many. What do you think?