tHIS IS A TREMENDOUS IDEA. i WILL SUPPORT IT COMPLETELY. i HAVE OFTEN thought of developing a fellowship or maybe a fraternity/sorority and provide scholarships and such to rehabilitate ex-JWs or other ex-cult members.
An ex-JW underground railroad system
by Layla33 18 Replies latest jw friends
sweet pea
Great idea - count us in, we'd love to help.
This is a good idea, but there is one aspect that still wouldn't work. A JW can leave the religion anytime they want and start over, the problem is their family and friends. They will have to leave them. If a person has no family in the org, then they can walk away scott free, if a person has family in the org, then the only way for this underground railraod to work is if they end all contact with their family. The minute they tell their family where they are, their family will contact the Elders to check up on them.
Mickey mouse
It's a fantastic idea but in practical terms it will be very difficult to put together. The term "herding cats" comes to mind again although people may be better motivated to help individuals rather than cooperate to damage a corporation. One day when I'm free I would love to help others rebuild their lives.
I have thought about this in the past as well. I also thought it would be interesting to do a halfway house of sorts. A place where people could re-build their lives, find jobs, go to college... etc etc..
I think a good point was made though that when it comes to leaving family and friends the person leaving is the one that needs to be steadfast about it. It is hard but it is kind of a personal process to build up telling people what you think and allowing them to reject or accept them. People need to be strong enough themselves first before leaving the situation would be effective. (not talking about abuse and other horrible situations.. just in general).
I think also part of this and another good idea would be a network of people who are "in" but free thinkers. Kind of a network of referals that those questioning could turn to for a casual meet at a coffee shop for warmth and friendship without the "burden" of going to a "apostate" site or talking to "known apostates". Just some unjudgemental compaionship. --tc
(by the way willing to help with this)
While the concept is very appealing and I can see a need to do cant take anyone with their children into situations like this. There are parental kidnapping laws. And when caught the parent who took the kids will lose custody maybe permanently. I know a man, though he was not a JW, who had a child out of wedlock with a woman, and took that child from Florida to Ohio one day without telling the mother he was going to do it. He was gone for a week with the child. Upon returning to the state he was arrested, lost visitation and now has not been allowed to see his own son for over two years.
I have seen since being online outside the JWs that the JWS have such an underground and have wisked people and kids out of state and hid them from unbelieving mates!
I can advise and endeavor to assist. Actually I have often felt that places like JWD are a virtual underground railroad.
Have done work in this area before, and am interested in doing it again.
Thanks everyone for their input. I have been offline for several days, I will definitely get back in touch with everyone that has shown interest and I appreciate all the things to consider. My first goal is to put together a initial plan - I am going to brainstorm, then I will send it to the people who have said they would help. Please send your feedback to me. Anonymity and privacy is guaranteed on my end. I will then send out an updated plan and ask again if anyone wants to be involved, I will respect all requests for privacy. My goal is to help those in need of assistance in starting over. Thanks again.