Were YOU Personally Afraid of The "Demons"???

by minimus 37 Replies latest jw friends

  • minimus

    Did you think you might "get contacted" somehow by those powerful demons?

    Did you avoid anything the Society said was associated with demonism?

  • TinyDancer124

    lol I was terrified! For awhile, I slept with the Bible next to my bed to ward them off. I also wasn't allowed to have any Smurf dolls (I'm surprised I was allowed a Cabbage Patch Doll since those had similar stories attached to them). I didn't care that my mother forbade them, since I actually believed all those stories! lol.

  • Robert7

    I didn't have a strong faith/fear in God or the Organization, but I surely did respect/fear the 'demons'. I didn't take it too far at all, but I avoided anything that had to do with it.

    Now I just believe 'demons' are all psychological.

  • minimus

    My aunt thinks everyone is demonized. She and her family really believe the demons have nothing better to do than harrass them. WEIRDOS!

  • momzcrazy

    Heck yeah! I was so scared to say things out loud about them, thinking they could use the info against me. Or if I watched a haunted show, I was telling them to come on in.

    I ain't scared no more!


  • babygirl75

    I remember being scared to watch certain movies, read certain books, or even buy things that might be inviting the demons in.

    I remember anytime a heard a wierd sound or noise screaming out Jehovah's name! Shit don't work!!

  • james_woods

    I was pretty much a total skeptic of this stuff, even as an elder.

    I saw too many cases of probable depression, paranoia, or just plain old superstitious hogwash that actually got made worse by elders fanning the flames of fear.

    I was actually approached by a young couple who thought their smurf dolls were moving around during the meeting. I got the husband off to the side and told him to take the batteries out of them. He said "you mean you think this is all BS?"

    I just gave him my best Vulcan raised eyebrow. They forgot about it after a while.

  • nomoreguilt

    I used to believe that there were people who were demonized, I even preached about the fallen angels of Noah's day. That they were still active around the earth, like we were once taught.

    However, with an acurate knowledge of mental illness and the like, I no longer believe in them. I have on a few occasions even challenged them to display/reveal themselves. But, to no avail, they were chumps and only desired to inhabit Smurfs.

    Actually, I wanted them to tell me which lottery numbers to play and then I would believe. Oh, well.


  • jamiebowers

    No, I was too busy getting my ass kicked by my jw husband. I was very afraid of him until the end. I woke up and got the hell out of there.

  • snowbird

    I wasn't 'fraid of no ghosts!


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