Were YOU Personally Afraid of The "Demons"???

by minimus 37 Replies latest jw friends

  • calico

    Yes, I was and now it drives me crazy when my mom says that satan caused something or the demons did it! It's such a weight lifted off my shoulders since I quit believing that crap! My stove is on the fritz--keeps beeping for no reason--so when it's quiet and it starts beeping I yell "smurfs are in my stove!"

  • Casper

    Yeah, I bought that ...hook, line and sinker...

    I still to this day have a hard time saying my fears out loud, lest someone be listening... can't seem to shake it.

    One thing that did make a believer out of me, at the time...was an episode of "Sleep Paralysis"... convinced me that the demons were real. Until I learned what it was all about.........


  • james_woods

    One thing that always bugged me was the notion that these demons might slip into bed with the sisters at night and have demon sex with them.

    But it was always male demons (well, or at least demons who liked women) - never did you hear of good looking demon goddesses playing around with the guys.

  • calico

    demon sex

  • jaguarbass

    Back in the 70's I was afraid. Now I dont think about it.

    I have met people in jail and out that have voices talking to them telling them to do bad things.

    Killing others, killing themselves.

    They pretty much do the things that encourage possesion.

    Modern science calls it schitzoprhenia.

    I see the Drs. dope them up so that neither they or the demons can use the body.

  • ninja

    I was afraid of denims....I hate dyslexia

  • lonelysheep

    Yes, very much so. Zoloft helped a great deal!

  • Fadeout

    I thought it was interesting that although the WTS officially believes and teaches that demons still possess people, they have no exorcism protocol nor any experienced exorcists.

    The Catholic Church recognizes demon possession and its exorcists have performed many thousands of exorcisms. They may be loony but at least their actions are consistent with their doctrine.

    So I wondered, what happens if a JW encounters a person who is demon possessed? The elders certainly aren't going to try to expel the demon... according the WTS teaching those powers went away along with the powers of healing and speaking in tongues.

    Is the family of a possessed person expected to get the demon expelled by the clergy of Babylon the Great, then come to the Watchtower learn the truth about God?

    What does the Society expect JWs to do when they encounter a possessed person?

  • Quirky1

    I was not raised as a JW and never really felt a sense of the occult or other spiritual creatures. I thought the WTBS Harry Potter scam was freakin' atrocious. Let alone their issues with Quija and Procter & Gamble. Sheesh! What weirdo's.

  • yknot

    ...PULEASE !!

    Every good lil dubkid knows all you have to do is call on the name of Jehovah thru Jesus for help and the demons run away like a pack of pigs...

    or course if you 'invited' them in yourself.....well that might take an Elder hearing your confession of wrongdoing or for them to come to your house to find where the demon is hiding..(books, cds, dvds, mp3, you computer might need to be looked at by the techy Elder for 'possessed material'....

    Needless to say I avoided anything that could cause 'possession'.....

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