Better see this while you can. I don't think it will stay very long! This will be the most incredible thing you have ever seen. It is awesome and shocking. It is beautiful until you know the meaning behind it. Then, it will become to you a signal of great danger. Sky over China 30 minutes before the earthquake (3 mins) 2 Thessolonians 2:9 The coming [of the lawless one, the antichrist] is through the activity and working of Satan and will be attended by great power and with all sorts of [pretended] miracles and signs and delusive marvels--[all of them] lying wonders-- After viewing the above video, the following is a must see. This is the explanation for what you have just seen. I finally understand the meaning of "the serpent and the rainbow".
Better see this while you still can!
by winnower 24 Replies latest jw friends
I've seen something similar to this in my area--nothing happened.
oH god! That's coming from the lyndon larouche political cult. You should check out that wacko before you quote anything from him.
S -
Armagedon is near ! Armagedon is near! The sky is falling !! Oh, er....That was Chicken little.
If anyone cares to discuss the two videos...I have a few questions.
Is this how jehovah god cleanses the earth to make way for a JW paradise? Don't you think it's rather superstitious and mentally deranged to believe all this crap about a creator destroying innocent people to clear the earth just for JWs? Can you not see that this destruction comes from an evil influence guiding the hand of man? If you believe this is the promised destruction from your god then jehovah must be another name for satan. This "Day of Jehovah" the dark and terrrible day is satan's last stand. Paradise Earth is a lie.
The phenomenon is known as "earthquake light" or "earthlight" and has been observed before and during earthquakes before.
Here is before the recent earthquake in Peru:
They have been reported for many, many years. I doubt it is related to any alleged HAARP weapon.
It is speculated that it is related to terrestrial electromagnetic activity in the vicinity of the quake. This does not seem too farfetched.
Here is more info
I'm not worried. The Great Bird God Rocco will protect me!!!
That was an Evil Cloud/Rainbow of Doom...
Who needs the Emergency Broadcast System when there are Rainbow Doom Clouds alerting us to impending disaster?
Where's WAC? Somebody drag him out of his bomb shelter for a comment on this.
What the heck is the HAARP?