Were Some Bodies of Elders Secret Societies unto Themselves ?

by flipper 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • LongHairGal

    Good post Flipper!

    I for one never believed they were appointed by holy spirit. I saw them for what they were: just plain men. I made sure I kept them at a discreet distance. I observed what happened when other women let them get too close - abuse and exploitation. It started slow of course. But, they inevitably overstep their boundaries. Then the sister got knocked for a loop and was left reeling from a bad experience. Certain types of women who were needy 'users' let the elders get close - but that was because the women were getting some assistance from the elders in some form or another. But any other type of woman had to be wary.


  • flipper

    ANATOR- I agree with you that elders preached to us to come to them with their problems - however their solutions caused us more problems than we had in the first place ! So many times they would use their own personal opinions when saying that statement you said, " Here's what you should do ", and it would screw things up even more ! And I hated that they essentially viewed themselves as God. Pretty vain.

    LONG HAIR GAL- I too did not believe they were appointed by holy spirit. I kept my distance from them as well. Some elders I knew ALWAYS overstepped their boundaries. Some did so, especially with the sisters in the congregation ! Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • flipper

    Just wanted to bump this thread up for weekenders who hadn't had a chance to read it

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