How do you get a non-thinker out?

by Mickey mouse 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • Mickey mouse
    Mickey mouse

    It's really difficult for me to strike up "spiritual" conversations with my husband. I am far more studious than he is (hence why I'm the one here I guess!!). His membership in the borg is purely based upon habit and family appeasement. How do I provoke him to think?! 607 was the big issue for me, I think it would be lost on him.

    I was wondering whether to go down the route of how he would feel about shunning our children when they grow up if they were df or refusing a blood transfusion for them. I have also wondered whether to speak to my father-in-law about my concerns, he is not a witness (his mother and sister are). Would it be wise to involve him? He respects his dad a lot although he's never been a witness.


  • OnTheWayOut

    You might have to think for him. Show him some simple stuff you have found.

    I like this from on the 15 minute guide to understanding the truth about

    This shows the need to break out of acceptance and start examining things for yourself.

  • leftbelow

    otwo I love that chart.

  • OnTheWayOut

    Also, consider reading Steve Hassan's two books.


    You can get them at Amazon or

    They will help you to reach his non-cult personality and give you
    ideas on how to get him to think, even if it's not deep doctrinal thinking.

    I don't know that the emotional plea would work. It's future, he can
    simply deny that he would shun them. Still, it shouldn't hurt.

  • jgnat

    I'm married to a non-thinker. I marinate him in non-witness activities, and broaden our social connections.

    I think it's a good idea to engage his heart. Help him empathize and put himself in other's shoes. That's what Steve Hassan suggests.

  • Seeker4

    My ex is not a deep thinker, and I don't think there is anyway she would leave the WTS - it's her culture and I don't believe she'll leave it ever.

    What shocks me are the Witnesses that I know who really do question things and think about matters - yet remain in the Org.


  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    Non-Thinkers might need the emotional approach you mention - shunning and blood are emotional issues that might provoke some thought in him with time. Plant the seeds. Water them from time to time if you can using non-apostate sources. There is sometimes a case in the news of religious parents that allow a child to die due to not accepting medical treatment. The comparisons could be drawn with Jw's and your own kids in conversation. Just a thought.

    You might be on the right track. Be prepared for a long vigil.


  • Octarine Prince
    Octarine Prince

    That chart is the fuggin' truth.

    It is a great example.

    But, to answer the original question, it is very difficult. I have decided that my mother will die a Witness. It is all she knows. She is not strong enough to break away. I just want her to die somewhat happy. That is the best I can hope for.

    With a spouse, you are in an unenviable situation. Continue to bring up the facts that show what they are really about. Don't concentrate on opinions, and people's personality flaws, etc. Bring up the hardcore things: pedophile situation, UN membership, etc.

  • Mickey mouse
    Mickey mouse

    Thanks for the replies so far. OTWO: Funnily enough I was just trying to order Steve Hassan's second book this week but Amazon don't have it at the moment. I read the first one. Fantastic!

    jgnat: hubby has quite a few interests that he would love to pursue more but his WT conscience always kicks in and prevents him from spending too much time. In the past I would caution him not to be distracted from our main focus , nowadays I encourage the distractions .


  • Mickey mouse
    Mickey mouse
    Non-Thinkers might need the emotional approach you mention - shunning and blood are emotional issues that might provoke some thought in him with time.

    You know, that reminded me of a point in Steve Hassan's book about how cults use different bait for different personality types. Why not borrow their approach?


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