I have always had a problem with Conscience matter's and here is my reasoning. Whenever a Conscience matter issue comes up, they always end with a comment something like "whatever your Conscience allows you to do" and you will answer to god for your actions.
That kind of makes sense (within the context of belief in a vengeful god). Individuals must do what their conscience tells them is right, regardless of whether it conflicts with someone else's interpretation of the matter. Much better than blind obedience.
1) If there was a Conscience matter posed to Jesus, what side of the issue would he choose? ( I would assume, the conservitive side )
Why on earth would you assume that? When did Jesus ever choose the conservative side? He ate with prostitutes and tax collectors, he had a relaxed attitude to the sabbath and he promoted love over slavish obedience to rules. He castigated the conservatives of his day for their numerous hypocritical rules and regulations.
2) If during your life you were faced with 100 Conscience matter, and you always choose the "liberial" side of the issue, would you be more or less likely to gain entry into paradise?
Wouldn't that depend on the issue? What's the liberal side of whether Christians should drink coffee? Is talking to relatives who have left your religion the liberal or conservative thing to do? What would Jesus do?
3) If during your life you were faced with 100 Conscience matter, and you always choose the "liberial" side of the issue, and the elders were aware of this, would you ever be appointed as a MS or elder?
Quite possibly not. That's not the attitude JWs want to cultivate. "Liberal" in this context seems to mean not having a bug up your ass about every tiny little thing.
Tell me what you think.... I am a very black and white kind of person and I have a tough time with Conscience matters. I would prefer that the is just a rule and you wither follow it or not.
Then you'll make a great JW. They have rules for everything. The best way is to take the most conservative view possible on everything; that way you can make other people miserable while appearing superior to them. That way, you'll make elder in no time.
Of course, if you want to be a moral human being, then you must make decisions for yourself, some of which will involve multiple shades of grey.
Your choice and one you have to make. Even choosing not to choose is a choice.