If I hadn't listened to that little voice, which I believe was the Holy Spirit, telling me to take out the trash, that little boy would have died.
Happy outcome, to be sure.
Must have been a special little boy.
Why didn't God tell someone to take out the trash on the wrong day when all of the other little boys that perished in similar accidents were bleeding to death?
Oh that's right, they were needed in heaven.
Or their deaths were needed to teach something to the living.
Why didn't God let the Mason Jar Boy die too, if letting little boys die is such a good thing?
Or if it's all a mystery and not to be questioned, then let's all stop trying to improve ourselves and the world around us.
After all...
God wants the addict to be addicted.
God wants the thief to steal.
God wants the bombs to drop.
God wants the child to have its innocence broken.
God wants the cancer to eat you.
God wants the pain to consume us.
God wants the girl in the jungle to be disfigured by machete.
It's all part of His marvelous plan.