Lockmakers sometimes use an impressionable clay in which they press a key to be copied. A mould is made from the impression and a new key is poured to conform to the "impressed" original.
The ultimate goal of the key is to open a corresponding lock. Not just any key will do, after all.
Using the above analogy....
Our minds correspond to the impressionable clay.
The pressing of the original into the clay is the act of perception. The senses separate out what is "keyness" from the amorphous "else".
The mould is the concept which retains the form of "keyness" generally and "original" specifically.
Pouring the molten metal into the mould is forming an idea around the concept of the original.
The end result in either case will result in something which takes on the appearance, shape, dimension and precision of "key".
However! Unless the copy opens the lock----nothing absolute has been accomplished.
Using the above analogy.....
Imprecise impressions made in the clay will produce imprecise moulds and the keys which come forth will be imprecise.
A crack in the mould will produce an imprecision, too.
Failure to file away the extrusion spillage from the sharply defined edges will result in imprecision as well.
We can come very, very, very close to the original and still get it wrong (won't open the lock) UNLESS WE FOCUS our attention, exact high standards of impression making, quality control in mould making and precise follow through in the verismilitude of the final product.
Any key produced which does not open the lock is a subjective truth.
Any key produced which does open the lock is an objective truth.
Not all the concepts we form are immediately useful on existing locks.. Some of (yea, many of) our concepts open "virtual" locks. Which is to say they represent the form and not the substance of objective reality as yet misunderstood or undiscovered. (fiction, imagination, hybridization, whimsy are counterfeit keys in one sense and useful bridges in another sense to what is yet to come.)
We can extrapolate from subjective moulds using the "keyness" to invent new kinds of locks.
The most useful concept is the production of a SKELETON KEY (which conforms to the "truth" of all locks to be opened). We call this extrapolated key: PRINCIPLE.
Charles Darwin and Isaac Newton discovered and wrought skeleton keys which opened the way for a new kind of thinking about the universe. They unlocked hidden facets because they discovered principles.
Fascinating, no?