Are single-never-married heterosexual males approaching their forties...

by DanTheMan 83 Replies latest social relationships

  • Mr. Majestic
    Mr. Majestic

    Man, I wish I wasn't spayed!

    Still don’t stop you trying to make them Momz, you naughty little minx…………….. = )

  • momzcrazy
  • hillbilly

    Dan old buddy... we are up to 4 pages and no one has ventured into these waters yet.

    Did ya ever think of leasing?

    Just a thought.


  • Layla33

    Majestic, yes sorry I got your nick mixed up. Just don't give up on your life and what you could do, that's all I was saying. The past is done, it's over, stop looking back and beating yourself up over it, look ahead to the future and plan for what you would like to become.

  • DanTheMan

    Wow, my thread made it to four pages. That's about how many *views* my threads normally get...LOL

    The worst thing about this recent Personals go-around was that I really seemed to hit it off with three of the six women I went out with. But each one of them ended up telling me in so many words that they didn't feel sexually attracted towards me. All three of them dropped the gayretarded "just friends" business on me, and I'm pretty sure that two of them really meant it (the third was a story for another day but my friend AlmostAtheist heard all about it) though I wonder how deep the throught process is behind such statements:

    "Hi ___ how's it going? It's your buddy Dan here, calling you because we're friends now right and friends call each other right? Uh huh...So how's it going with your new guy, you know, the one that after you met him you ended our dating relationship and asked me if we could just be friends? Good you say? Awesome!"

  • kerj2leev

    Dude once you have gotten the friends line move on! No more call or text it's their way of telling you not interested, nicely!

  • DanTheMan

    No more call or text it's their way of telling you not interested, nicely!

    Well, with one of them, yes. The other two, like I said, I'm pretty sure that they really meant it.

  • hillbilly

    Dan... it's not that little mannerism ... hands, crotch, nose... you know what I am talkin about. We cleared all that up over a year ago....

    Sorry... just couldnt let that one go. Good advise all around. Let this come to you. Live your own life until you find what you want.

    Best first date advise I ever got. Take her out to something that you want to do. Car race, rodeo, horse show ...whatever. That will tell you a lot about her right off the bat and the same for her. Be yourself.

    Every Mickey has a Minnie.


  • noni1974

    Hey I'm 33 almost 34. Never married, no kids and not looking to change that. I'm not even looking to date anyone at all. I'm not a loser or an old maid. I'm just a woman who doesn't want to settle for second best. If I never get married and never have a kid so be it. I'm not worried about it.

  • lola28

    Dan, guys who have never married and are in their forties are SMART. *Ahem*, however if you are looking for someone to take half your stuff please keep me in mind.

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