We treat many things ourselves. One trip to the emergency room and you can spend several hundred dollars, if not thousands. People are using butterfly bandages rather than getting stiches. And I have dental work that needs doing, but cannot afford even the office visit.
Gas to hit 7 dollars per gallon
by 1914BS 125 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
WOW ... sorry if my earlier comments on the price of fuel were not communicated properly.
All I was trying to say was, that it is a waste for people to drive big, gas-guzzling vehicles when there is no real purpose to.
There are people that have a "need" for one. Maybe "need" is not the right word but if you have a camper, boat or normally carry a lot of people then it makes sense to have something bigger. What just drives me crazy is seeing people who have large SUVs and big pickups that use them just for commuting ... nothing more .. and then complain about how much it costs to drive it.
And it's not just a matter of being able to afford the gas. There is only so much to go around no matter how many holes the oil companies drill. That's the reason I drive a diesel Jetta as my daily car. Even when gas was at $2 per gallon, it only makes sense to drive something that can take you 500 miles on a small tank of fuel instead of only 300 or so.
Regarding the "Hummer" comment ...
Maybe its the company you keep. I don't anybody who owns a hummer, I don't know anybody who bought an SUV just to tool around in. The only people I know who own trucks are farmers who actually use their trucks in their jobs and contractors who haul tools in theirs. Those are work trucks. I've never owned either and only because I'm a pretty conservative spender to begin with - when I had a boat, we had it hauled down to the bay and paid to dock it there so we didn't need a large vehicle.
Well, I live in Miami and there are Hummers all over the place ...and just about every other type of vehicle you can think of. If you look at rush hour traffic and see a large percentage of huge vehicles going downtown with only one person in them, I can tell you that those people don't live on farms. Here, it has tended to be a status symbol more than anything else.
And your point about paying for a dock for the boat instead of pulling it with the SUV .... yes ... I have thought about it many times. But the cheapest in-water slip that I have found in South Florida is about $400-$450 per month at a county marina. And those have waiting lists of several years.
So although the SUV also has costs involved (insurance, maintenance, etc) it is paid off and I'm still coming out ahead by keeping it (I think).
Rub a Dub
8, 10 years ago some guy in GR was into "DIY" dental work... cordless drill, hardware store stuff... I guess he filled a few teeth and made a crown at home.
The story made the AP... I heard it on the radio.
The price of reg gas had been stable for the last 3 days at around 1.43 at the pump. I hear that was from a drop in demand. The economists call it demand destructiom. Mathematicians call it elasticity of demand. Well I think the elastic is about to break and I think higher gas prices tomorrow.. I'll be back tomorrow on this thread if it goes up
$4.60 for regular -$4.99 for premium....sammieswife.
Ours went up to $4.19 today, up from $3.93 yesterday.
Southern Ind.
Cas -
Norway's production has dropped by 25 percent since its peak in 2001. Britain's has dropped by 43 percent. Alaska's Prudhoe Bay has dropped by 65 percent from its peak. Russia's is down and so is Mexico's. It's enough to make you think speculators are on to something.
But then there's Alberta's Oilsands...
Alberta's Oilsands are big enough to be seen from space.
As predicted, gas went up this morning to $1.439 for regular at the pump. More and more for sale signs can be found on trucks and SUVs in the Vancouver/ lower mainland . It is amazing how many people are hanging on to their big rigs. Just today, at the gas station I noticed that almost everyone paid for gas with the credit card. Soon, those persons will have no credit and the credit unions and banks will be in trouble
(a credit bubble trouble)
Again, there is no short term replacement for crude oil. Suburbia will become the next ghettos, foreclosures will soar along with bankruptcies as poeple try to evade their creditors.. Many people buy big trucks for income tax write-offs but that is coming to an end. Sadly, the goverments have mismanaged the lives of billions of people and now we see the effects of this.
90 mpg scooters are looking very very good right now.