$7.15 per hour doesn't go far for two people. We have only rent on a 2 bedroom apartment, electricity, car insurance, medical bills/costs, and a package with phone/cable/internet. Still, the wage might pay the bills, MIGHT, but with none left for gasoline or food or clothing, etc, much less car repairs or a car payment. Once I find a fulltime job, I will drop the internet and cable. That package was gotten for me by a friend. I only wanted a phone. I only need a phone. I dropped my cell phone.
Gas to hit 7 dollars per gallon
by 1914BS 125 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
My car has 290,000 miles. I live in a 350 square foot studio apartment which doubles as an office for the two very small businesses that my wife and I run. We can't afford health insurance, workers comp, retirement or any other perks that would be nice to have.
Yet I'm perfectly happy with where I'm at and the direction I am going.
Please excuse my optimism for believing that the short term pain of energy costs are going to be for the betterment of our long term future.
At the close of trading friday the dow was down 394.64, nasdaq down 75.38 s & p down 43.37 . Oil was at 138.54 per barrel the euro to dollar was at 1.57. I paid 4.33 per gal at a sams club discount. It appears that investors are investing in commodities, the more they do the higher commodities will go. The feds will probably start increasing rates again to try to stabilize the dollar, but will play havoc on the economy which already is suffering from credit crisis. Banks will hang onto their money. More and more houses going into foreclosure and it cannot be stopped. Housing prices will have to drop to the level of renting. People will begin to come out of the credit spending stupor they have been in . Not only are americans tapped out with their credit, banks are being very particular who they will lend to. One day we will hear people say 'boy it was good while it lasted'.
People will begin to come out of the credit spending stupor they have been in . Not only are americans tapped out with their credit, banks are being very particular who they will lend to. One day we
Now that I can understand and I agree. Logic. sammieswife.
Highlander, you and your wife? What no kids to look after? I could live in a 350 squarefoot studio if it were only me involved, but it would cost nearly as much as the apartment my grandson, 12 year old grandson, share. And it would not be anywhere near my two babysitters who watch him out of the kindness of their hearts. I hope you aren't caring for children when this crisis only gets worse. I also hope you don't live in the snow belt.
If you are optimistic, then that's good. I am being realistic. That is why I am not going to choose to take a job that is too far away for money that will not pay the bills, food and gas.
My car has 168,000 miles on it. I have only owned it since it was at 148,000. The persons who owned the car before me, who knows how good of care they took of it. I got it from my son for $1000 to help him out of a bind. He was supposed to buy it back. That was 2004.
I have had the timing belt replaced, because it had not been changed once and it broke, destroying the top half of my engine. I had the top half rebuilt. Things are wearing out on the car due to the age. I had the control arms and ball joints replaced on the front end last year. The first one broke on me the day I arrived in Tennessee. The wheel fell right off the car. I also had all four brakes done and I will need four tires in about 10,000 miles. So, no, I don't think it prudent to drive the hell out of my car for $7.15 per hour.
By the way, being in your own business is the quickest way to bankruptcy if you don't have health insurance and have employees with no workman's comp. One big illness, surgery or accident and you are going to be heavily in debt. You paint youself as smug and wise. It's not wise to be in business with no insurance. Ask my ex husband about it. Hell, ask me, I lived through it with him.
You win FHN. My wife and I are going to quit our careers, work part time and use the rest of our time to complain and be negative about life on this planet.
Look at how well it's working out for you.
Best of luck to you.
Taxes for states is higher then feneral. Yes, I think gas will hit $7 and the economy is basically fried by the time it hits $6. By $7 you will be paying $6 for milk and the grocery shelves will be near empty from not being able to afford deliveries. Were all screwed, welcome to the new third world country!
Free2beme - You make a good point about price for food inflation as food prices are beginning to get ridiculous in the UK BUT, it's amazing how the supermarkets have put prices of food UP and brought prices of alcohol DOWN in the UK. It's as if they're only subsidising the drunkards, as if we don't have enough problem with alcohol in the UK!
Britain is already on its way to becoming a third world country and so is the United States. The days of the UK and USA being a strong, wealthy world power are finished and it finished the day they decided to waste all their financial assets on invading Iraq and Afghanistan!
The stupidity of Blair and Bush has destroyed our two countries and yet they will both be protected from the financial fall out of their horrendous error in judgement! WE will all pay the price for stupid leaders.
I believe in Karma, these days! What we have done to Iraq which includes the death of near enough a million innocents will be paid back on us and it will be the innocents who suffer again......it always is!
Here is something else to think about. For those who have credit cards. Are you just going to charge gas like nothing is happening?? Sooner or later your credit rating will be ruined as your credit card account goes into arrears and then to collections. Ladies and gentlemen this is the END of credit of any sort. You goddamn bankers who have milked humanity dry since the invention of money . Now you pay the price for your arrogance!!
Do we need to put most of you on suicide watch? Jeez, it's not that bad. Stop all the doom and gloom. I'm with Donkey, EVERYONE, yes that includes everyone here, has made a choice. It seems that no one wanted to do it the easy way, now it's going to be hard.