Say that a year from now
Gas to hit 7 dollars per gallon
by 1914BS 125 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
..shave a few km/h or mph off your speed and you will save money on gas
And exactly how much would one save if one did that?
Quantitative figures would be nice to see.
Lets see..... Put 50 lbs of air in the tires, drive 40 mph top speed, and put a magnet on the fuel line (joke) and you have the classic fart in a windstorm............
this just came in. ....Terasen gas is planning an 11% hike in natural gas on July 1st this year. There was a recent hike of 10 % only 2 months ago. It is not just gasoline - it is the stuff to heat your homes as well.
LOL! Stop being victims. Take responsibility.
A.) Gas is not going to hit $7 a gallon anytime soon in the USA
B.) Start making changes in your life NOW, so that higher energy prices, if they materialize won't be of impact.
C.) Banks aren't going anywhere. Get real.
A.) Gas is not going to hit $7 a gallon anytime soon in the USA
Most oil producing countries are well past their peak. The US had peak oil in 1970. There is NOTHING at present that can replace the huge amount of energy that crude has supplied to mankind. The reckoning is now
Whet do you think will happen when US attacks iran? Everday you can see both sides preparing for a war that could be of greater magnitude than WW! and WW2 combined. WE are in the end times as predicted by the bible. The good book says that no flesh will survive unless god steps in. That sounds a bit dubbish I know but it could very well turn out that way.
Didn't Germany make synthetic fuel during WWII?
yes they did but it costs more to make that kind of fuel than it does to get fuel from the tar sands.
Hek, if you want to, you can make methanol from carbon dioxide gas but the cost is too high right now.
You win FHN. My wife and I are going to quit our careers, work part time and use the rest of our time to complain and be negative about life on this planet.
Better than that: Go back to school. And when you end up in debt with medical bills, I won't rub it in your face, I'll have great empathy for you. My ex and I were in business for ourselves. We did carry workman's comp, but not medical insurance. If you are in business for yourself, do it wisely and don't boast if you're flying by the seat of your pants. And you are. If you don't have insurance or workman's comp, you are likely about as good a business man as my ex. He's works for a company now and does his sidework. And he's back into heavy debt.
If you want to brag and put others down for speaking of the struggles and hardship the high fuel prices place on them, then be wise enough not to share that you don't carry health or workman's comp insurance.
Free2beme - You make a good point about price for food inflation as food prices are beginning to get ridiculous in the UK BUT, it's amazing how the supermarkets have put prices of food UP and brought prices of alcohol DOWN in the UK. It's as if they're only subsidising the drunkards, as if we don't have enough problem with alcohol in the UK!
Britain is already on its way to becoming a third world country and so is the United States. The days of the UK and USA being a strong, wealthy world power are finished and it finished the day they decided to waste all their financial assets on invading Iraq and Afghanistan!
The stupidity of Blair and Bush has destroyed our two countries and yet they will both be protected from the financial fall out of their horrendous error in judgement! WE will all pay the price for stupid leaders.
I believe in Karma, these days! What we have done to Iraq which includes the death of near enough a million innocents will be paid back on us and it will be the innocents who suffer always is!
All great empires have their fall. And we are on our way there. I used to think Mad Max movies were something that might happen many years from now. Now it looks possible in the much less distant future. Germany paid the price of trusting Hitler when they were in similar straits.
Article on CNN has a gloomy outlook: