I listened in to the conf call tonight. One thing that I got from it was that apparently (and the wording might be a little wrong) is that Elders or MS will be removed if they are going to college or university. A person encouraging another to go to college will be removed as well. The WTS is getting blacker and it is starting to feel more evil.
Next will be df'ng anybody who is going to college - I predict that will come soon after.
Think about it.
First they wanted you to martyr your kids for their blood doctrine - let them die in the name of a few men. Now that they are getting legal hassles over that and slowly toning down their expectation it's time to find another way to keep the familys in line - and dumb. It's in their kids.
On one hand the lofty position of MS or Elder is to be thirsted after BUT if you'll only get a bite of the golden carrot IF you DONT get an education. Any parent that chooses that path for their kids is setting them down the path of poverty in a day and age when education is needed just to survive globally. So - we won't take your kids for blood - instead we'll take them poor and dumb because thats the only way we can play follow the leader, get them in and force them to stay. Any JW parent that uses the phrase in the case of 'free will' is full of crap - there is no 'free will' in the WTBTS and everyone knows it.
It's getting scarier and scarier in that place. sammieswife.