I'm so glad that it went well with your family. That sister of yours can be disowned until she grows up. |
Went to The Assembly... Finally Dealt with Family...
by cognac 14 Replies latest jw friends
White Dove
Not that you are the prodigal, but, your sister can take a lesson from that story that Jesus gave. Let's hope that this is the last convention that you will attend.
You only have to be with family members you feel comfortable around. You don't have to hang around people who treat you meanly or put you down in an insulting manner.
Thank you for saying that!!!!!!!!!! It makes me feel so much better...
It's sad cause she has kids that I love. She's always been a very critical, mean person. She always makes me feel like I'm an awful person... You can't have a conversation with her without worrying that she's going to make you feel like crap.
It's too bad cause it keeps me away from seeing her kids like I'd like to. I feel guilty for that.
She's always been kind of a nasty, mean person. Then when I keep my distance she says I'm shutting people out. I only really shut people out for a little bit when they really hurt me. It's a protection I use for myself.
Congnac, If it were me, I'd have a few things to say to your sister about how she treats you in such a "christian" way. I'd bring up things from your shared history about the way she treats, not just you, but others you have in common. Let her know in so many words that there are a-holes in the world. Just as drinking booze doesn't make you an instant a-hole because it's usually already in you, being a witness doesn't absolve you of being one either. Let her know. Avoid even bringing religion in to it. Maybe because everyone around her is a JW and thinks that they have to put up with her crap, no one has ever really told her. I guarantee you that you can do it in a way, especially in front of others, that will get the point across and let her know to step off.
I had to do this to my conniving grandmother. She treats me and my siblings like crap because of simply being the offspring of my father, who she has a great deal of resentment towards. Finally, I told her how proud I was that she and her daughters were treating us with such "christian compassion" to save us from the evil influence of our father. She knew it was all sarcasm, but she'd never had anyone stand up to her. It needed to be said. At least it stopped the manipulation attempts on that front.
And my other sister (the one who was a complete jerk to me) sat there with a dirty look the whole time. She would not say ONE WORD to me. Just sat there as I was talking with the whole family with a dirty, mad look.
Is her name Lorraine? Oh, wait, that's my sister.
I'm glad things went better than expected.