Is Love Unjust?

by Satanus 24 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Satanus

    Within the christian sphere, that is...


  • stillajwexelder

    in that it binds and controls you??

  • Hope4Others

    Would you elaborate a little on this....

    In the christian circle yes to the fact that love should be to and org. and not to family...

    Its like saluting the flag we pledge allegiance to the GB / WT....


  • Satanus

    Ok, here's a thought. Wt and protestants say that god's love needs to be tempered w his justice. This implies that without a sense of justice, god would let people and angels get away w things, because of his love for them. It suggests that god cannot (should not) be just love. Yet, john has the audacity to announce that 'god is love'. Flip side, how can john say that, if justice limits the full expression of god's love?


  • Sad emo
    Sad emo

    Justice doesn't limit love. Justice may be executed as a result of love.

    I'll probably get a pasting for this as usual cos people here don't seem to like the parent-child analogy...

    if you have two children and one is bullying the other constantly, is it a show of love or hate to reprimand/punish the one who is in the wrong?

  • Satanus

    Beating the crap out of him like he is beating the crap out of his brother shows love.


  • Terry

    Justice is getting what you deserve. Justice is not getting what you don't deserve.

    Justice identifies, with respect to truth, that every man must be judged for what he is and treated accordingly.

    God has a standard of perfection. Man, we are told over and over again in scripture, fails that perfect standard.

    God identifies man as weak, sinful, corrupt, abject, wretched and worthy of the penalty of sin: death.

    GOD CANNOT JUSTLY JUDGE MAN AS RIGHTEOUS based on truth or based on a righteous standard.

    Let's put this another way.

    You devalue your standard when you pass approval on what is substandard. You commit injustice.

    Moral counterfeiting is appraising a wretch as though he were righteous.

    A judge who lets off a murderer and who punishes an innocent in his place is a corrupt judge.

    For God to grant approval (GRACE) to an undeserving wretch is not JUSTICE. It violates God's superior standard. It lowers the standard and obliterates it.

    LOVE is the highest value. The involuntary emotional response we feel (as a direct result of that highest value) is the most intense emotion we can experience of a positive nature.

    For God to place the highest possible value on the lowest possible wretch is to destroy the nature of VALUE!

    GRACE, then, (kindness which is UNdeserved) is not justice and is not love.

    There is no moral basis for God's love of the world of mankind.

    One last point.

    To punish the innocent and let the guilty go free is the presumptive standard of God's Righteousness in Christian Salavation.

    (Jesus was innocent. He was allowed to die. Man, wretched and worthy of death, is granted salvation)

    Think about it.

  • Satanus

    Thanks, terry. Imputing perfect justice and the purest love to an omnipotent and omniscient being creates a dualism w titanic explosive potential, imo. Is he at one w himself? Perhaps, yin and yang?


  • Satanus

    The ultimate good/bad, righteous/evil, light/dark, existence/nonexistence, creation/desctruction.


  • Sad emo
    Sad emo
    Beating the crap out of him like he is beating the crap out of his brother shows love.

    Who says reprimand/punishment = beating the crap out of the child??

    That's not justice, that's abuse and you know it perfectly well.

    Try bringing it to a NORMAL parent-child relationship and you MIGHT just like the analogy better

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