My mother started studying when I was 6 or 7. She started studying with my brother and me right away, regardless of my father’s opposition. He WAS very, very opposed, yet mom would always sneak in studies with us or sneak us to the meetings when he worked late.
Believe it or not, and you’re going to gag when I say this, but I welcomed religion into my life. Although so little, I drew to it like white on rice. I had such a spiritual desire. No longer celebrating the holidays wasn’t an issue and living far away from extended family, my father was alone in his attempts to keep up the holidays. He was outnumbered. Although I can't say it didn't bother me entirely, I always had an ache in my heart buried deep inside. Now I realize that that ache was a longing to go back to celebrating, to be with my family... weird! But my parents always took us on a vacation in December, and we got plenty of stuff throughout the year, so I can't say I was deprived when it came to "material things".
My mother always told me that I had to take a stand in school, that she couldn’t do it for me, since my father was opposed. So from grade 4 and on I was the class FREAK. But I loved taking that stand, “knowing” it was pleasing God. I know you’re all dry heaving right now. It was hard to do though. It saddens me now knowing that that stand I took, was for nothing. I isolated myself for nothing. I was hated for nothing. It was all for nothing.
Also we enjoy the added burden of never having had a 'normal' social life and I suspect from what I have learned of early childhood socialization that some of us will forever be a bit socially damaged as a result.
This describes me. I don’t have the ability to make friends. I don’t have the ability to speak well or to socialize. Throughout school and even up to now, I to this day do not have a best friend. Sadly, I think the closet thing I have to a girlfriend is my mother… now I am dry heaving. I am thankful I have my hubby. But the loneliness is intense, especially now since I am really alone without any prospects of new friends.
Although I didn’t care that I stopped celebrating the holidays, the effects of being a witness have severely damaged my life, personality, and everything I could have been. (still trying to deal with the sadness and anger)
As a side note, my father was baptised shortly after me... .great eh? LOL