Are we DESTROYING society through a false sense of SELF-ESTEEM

by Terry 84 Replies latest jw friends

  • Terry

    I think Political Correctness started the trend of dumbing down. Lowering the bar. Warping the standards.

    In every society there are citizens with varying abilities and disabilities.

    The natural sorting process is achievement, self-sustaining ability and productivity.

    Winners vs Slackers

    Talent vs Wannabees

    Healthy vs impaired

    Educated vs Ignorant

    Scientifically informed vs Superstitious and gullible

    Clear thinkers/communicators vs "intuitive" and mystical

    Productive, inventive, entrepreneurial vs scammers, boondogglers and criminals

    Ask yourself this question:


    When you aren't allowed to call things AS THEY REALLY ARE you are required to change (the perception of) reality by coloring your descriptions carefully so as to avoid the unpleasant or unfortunate aspects. (Imagine not being allowed to name certain numbers, quantities or functions in arithmetic--what harm would come to measurement, computation and science?)

    The movement to create SELF-ESTEEM destroyed the ability to link reality to perception of it!


    It was the destructive philosophy of TELL THEM they are okay (even if they aren't) and they SHALL BE.

    Excuses were made for under-achievement:

    There were no more cripples, blind, retarded or ignorant people in society suddenly by fiat!

    There were IMPAIRED (seeing-impaired, hearing-impaired, learning-impaired) PERSONS everywhere.

    The implication being that it was merely a temporary state of being rather than INTRINSIC or ORGANIC.

    Handicapped parking spots, slanted curbs for wheelchairs, inclusion of impaired persons in regular classrooms soon followed.

    The school system has fallen victim. Teachers are required to have children in their class that required profound amounts of time and attention including changing diapers on 10 and 12 year old kids. Less time is availabe to tutor advanced students. Consequently, those parents who can afford to--put the advanced students in special magnet schools where they can achieve at their own pace. The public schools are drained of achievers and only the students who really could learn are left to compete with those who get the majority of teacher attention.

    By treating the autistic, mongoloid or otherwise impaired child as being on the same educational level as those unimpaired by physical or mental defect (you can't even use the word "defect") the philosophical implications multiply.

    The erosion of achievers begins! What use to be a competitive society becomes a society whose NEED trumps all. Genius, achievement, excellence, talent becomes a shameful contrast to those who cannot achieve. So, hiding your brains becomes social survival!

    In certain ethnic communities (and not others) a shaming and shunning of those who TRY to achieve commences with social consequences!

    Being smart is labelled in a bad way. (You tryin' to be white!)

    The producers in the economy are labelled "FATcats" and people who earn wealth through achievement are seen as greedy bad guys.

    It is all downhill as the causes and effects multiply. The destruction of achievement-oriented society is a slow poison.

    When NEED is broken free from achievement and talent and hard work are punished---the Anti-Intellectual turns the evolutionary imperative upside down!

    Survival of the fittest becomes survival by penalty to the fittest.

    Imagine a Super Bowl where certain smaller and less talented players are allowed to make runs out-of-bounds and nobody is allowed to tackle them! What what that do to the integrity of the sport? Would it any longer even be a sport or competition? What kind of players would leave and who would be attracted as players? What impact would it have on the fan base?

    Think about it.

  • BurnTheShips

    The school system has fallen victim. Teachers are required to have children in their class that required profound amounts of time and attention including changing diapers on 10 and 12 year old kids. Less time is availabe to tutor advanced students. Consequently, those parents who can afford to--put the advanced students in special magnet schools where they can achieve at their own pace. The public schools are drained of achievers and only the students who really could learn are left to compete with those who get the majority of teacher attention.

    By treating the autistic, mongoloid or otherwise impaired child as being on the same educational level as those unimpaired by physical or mental defect (you can't even use the word "defect") the philosophical implications multiply.

    My God. What would you do with these people then, euthanize them?

    You speak of them as objects coming off an assembly line with defects. These are human beings.

    I worked in public schools, they were not treated as being on the same educational level as other children. They had special programs. Some of these children had severe disabilities. My hat goes off to those teachers. They are saints in my book.

    I am invoking Hitler early here.


  • journey-on

    Great topic! I understand what you are saying, Terry. I agree to a large extent. Our society is trying so hard to

    be politically correct, we are actually hindering the development of REAL self-esteem by creating a society of mediocrity....

    Kids need to feel what real achievement means by not being awarded for failure. When you give every kid a trophy on

    the team just for participating, how are you setting standards for real achievment?

  • Gopher

    As much as society has attempted to level the playing field, there are still winners and losers in this world. Those who persist longer or have more marketable skills generally still do get ahead and get more compensation as a result.

    There were no more cripples, blind, retarded or ignorant people in society suddenly by fiat!

    How do you equate "cripples and blind" with "ignorant"? That's insulting. Handicapped/disabled and blind people contribute a lot to society when given the opportunity. While the ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) can be misused, it had a good purpose.

    Handicapped parking spots, slanted curbs for wheelchairs

    So you are in favor of barriers? I have a (hopefully temporary) arthritis flare-up that is so serious, I need a handicapped parking spot. Heck it's hard enough for me to get by even with those spots.

  • BurnTheShips
    So you are in favor of barriers?

    Heaven forbid Terry ever becomes handicapped. Disability is the one demographic we can all become a part of at one time or another for reasons outside our control.


  • Terry

    I fully expect a HEATED discussion to follow.

    I've already noticed the EXTREME polarizing of the argument into false dichotomies.

    Either/ though nothing in between is even possible!

    I won't chime in yet until more voices have sounded.

    Keep the topic clearly in mind.

    A FALSE sense.....of self-esteem.

  • Terry
    My God. What would you do with these people then, euthanize them?

    Getting a bit hysterical, aren't you?

    Are the moral and the practical opposites?

    Is morality built of duty only? Must we serve only? Do we always make the good the enemy of the excellent?

    By mis-identifying we do ourselves a great harm.

    The decisions we make are not ONLY the either/or of EUTHANIZING or pretending equality of nature, value and productivity.

    There are other choices available. But, if we can't see them or EVEN DISCUSS them without being compared to HITLER-------my god, man!

    Being irrational, inconsistent, hypcritical and evasive does not solve any of man's problems---it creates more problems.

    The greatest intellectual power is the power of morality based on what is real and what realizes man's actual nature.

    But, we have to see that nature for what it is in all its extremes and deal specifically with each part of that vast gray scale from white to black individually!

    We are not all the same. We are individually different.

  • saywhat29

    I always feel inadequate in responding to these kinds of post because I know there are others who are way more educated and well-versed in the art of persuasion and argument. But, eh- I'll take a stab.

    I remember being that black kid wh everyone thought was too white; it really was said because I would naturally think then black (or really anything non-white..... 'sides asians. Everybody knows that they can kick high and bust a logarhythmic problem like whoa) means 'not smart' and since I can never be white then I must always comes from this place of pseudo-intelligence'. And honestly it did affect me around white peers because I'd wonder.. can I measure up? I remember being the only black kid in the GT program in middle school- the ONLY ONE. others soon joined the classes later, but seriously it was in my head at times. This reminds me of the mid-90's controversial book, 'The Bell Curve' and what it had to say about the test scores of minorities when compared to that of whites, even when those black students are reared in the same classrooms as white students. it's a real mindfuck to actually think that ecause of your race you might be somehow limited in thought when compared to others.

    Terry, from the wording of your post, I kind of took the same response to other readers who thought that you were classifying all kinds of people who do not fit the mold of 'normal' or who are impaired (or different) in some way, as if we could do away with them. You already addressed that things are quite gray and I would expound on that fact that it is possible to be quite intelligent and yet hold onto very stupid and ignorant beliefs and opinions. Then the same thing could be said; what do we do with them? Some of the men and women who society proclaims as being stellar in the arts were also highly racist or classist, or unable to see outside of their own skin, therefore limited. Limited in a sense in a similar (wouln't say the same) manner as those whom they proclaim society is being 'dummed down for.' It's not that simple.

    I do agree that there should be models of achievement that people should excel to and that they should not be disregarded in an effort to accomodate just about everyone without any other standards to replace them, infering that knowledge and skill are all relative. There is someone who is going to be on top and that cannot be ignored or denied and no, not everyone will be winners. Deal; losing builds character in ways that winning all the time does not.

    Hmm, but isn't that it; trying to change the course of the outcome by installing some ideal that 'losing' can be just as good as winning? But in truth, can't it be? Eh, in the end I think such things like 'political correctness' comes from the outstanding idea that there are other ways of looking at things and other people outside of the mainstream; but to lose a sense of standards in order to view differences or other ways should not be the price for conscious awareness. Does that make sense or am I just ramibling? Just wanted to cut in and feel like a sayz sumthin' smurt 2day.

  • John Doe
    John Doe

    Regression towards the mean.

  • hillbilly

    I am all for title 9 and the ADA...

    However... social promotion in school is breeding loosers

    Kids need sports and activities were they can learn to loose... In real life, if you didnt make the team...maybe you didnt work hard enough.

    We watched a young couple at lunch today. I said to the wife... gender things aside, how will kids this age make it. The girl (who talked non stop on a phone all through lunch) probably cant sew, cook, clean... and the boy cant either. But I bet money both have the healtiest of egos.

    False self esteem will be the nail in the coffin of 3rd world doom for western culture.


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