The Jehovah files top secret ,- on a need to know basis.
by edmond dantes 18 Replies latest jw friends
edmond dantes
Top secret file only to be opened the day after Armaggedon containing lists of known appostates who might have survived and need eliminating because Jehovah let a lot get through.
Knorr shot JFK.
Secret Recipe to Coca Cola.......
The secret recipe to the very disgustingly fine District Convention Hoagie sandwich wrapped in the wonderful banned aluminum foil that isn't really banned that we don't discuss cause its too damn embarassing. Unless of course we wear it on our head with lambs blood during the grand slaughtering... umm ...I mean Great tribulation. I saved mine!!!
secret bank account numbers, phony LLC companies to hide some of the wealth, fake identities, short list of dangerous bethelites who might stage a coup, secret payroll for mistresses, detectives, etc.
Fred Franz with " Playgirl"
secret bank account numbers, phony LLC companies to hide some of the wealth, fake identities, short list of dangerous bethelites who might stage a coup, secret payroll for mistresses, detectives, etc.
Heads of other religious "organizations" of which the JW is connected. Plans to take over the world, plans for the ONE WORLD religion that JWs are apart of. Companies that are involved in this plan.
The plans to the death Star i'm building them that shows how easy it can be blown up.