Yesterday I had a little breakdown...laid down for a nap and woke up 17 hours later! Not so unexpected, just never done that before.
The first thing that came to my fogging brain this morning was that in a week I am moving. Back to Colorado and to a town where I know hundreds of JW's. Two of my husbands life long best friends live there. Both elders, one a PO, CO temp. Both very good friends of mine, even though I haven't talked to them in a year. They will find me....but if they come to the door with ties on I don't think I will be able to handle it! Once very good friends, vacationed together, got incredibly drunk with, know them both WELL....and I can easily imagine them coming to the door in TIES!!! That to me is mind twisting, and a little sick.
A short history. Been a JW for 16 years. Did a 5 year fade. Moved away a year ago and I have been enjoying autonomy from JW's. Don't know any here.
A fade....a collision of honesty and deception. While the honesty and freedom of thought is growing inside of you, layers of facade are carefully added and taken away in order to protect and facilitate the delicate balance of "real life", while trying not to disturb the "other life".
Thinking about a DA letter. Just to get it over with. I could hand deliver it to one of my friends, pretty sure they would know what to do with it.
There is freedom in this thought. Also a little nauseating.....wish it didn't have to be this way