In December I started reading things and thinking with an open mind (for the first time in my life). I'm still discovering things daily that irritate me about the WTS. I've been to about half a dozen meetings since March. Have been laying low and avoiding friends from the Hall. Not that there is anything to avoid cuz they simply stop calling and dropping by whenever we aren't at the meeting that week.
I'm still reading everything WT-related, old and new. And I'm supplementing that with loads of "apostate" books. The anger and disbelief (of 6 mos. ago) has lessened I suppose but it's still there. My question is--how long did it take for you to get over the anger and disbelief of being conned for years? Weeks, months, years?? I expect it'll probably lessen if I stop reading WT material but I seem to still need to prove things to myself so the absurd curiousity continues.
Anyway, I'd love to hear your experiences.