wearing very comfortable clothes after each day of the District Assembly

by asilentone 30 Replies latest jw friends

  • Bumble Bee
    Bumble Bee

    Apparently it was read in the KM that JW's are not to change when going out for dinner after the sessions. They ar to wear their Assembly clothes and badges. I'm not sure how that works when relaxing at the pool after lol.

    I can't wait to change my clothes when I get home from work, and I dress pretty casual, and can even wear jeans, but I still love to change into something more comfy when I get home.


  • Junction-Guy

    Even back in the 1980's, we always wore our meeting clothes out to eat after the convention, the only time we "dressed down" was when we were at the pool in our swim trunks.

    I piceketed the Amarillo TX convention back in 2005, and on the very last day after the session ended, I drove through the parking lot and there were hundreds of JW's stripping off their meeting clothes in the parking lot. Under their dresses and suits they were wearing shorts and T Shirts, they came prepared.

  • WTWizard

    I think they spoke up about that last summer. You are supposed to keep your suit and embarrassment badge on while in town, except maybe while at the pool or in your room. Wearing jeans or a T-shirt while eating out or exploring town would result in Brother Hounder hounding you about it after the wastefest.

  • TinyDancer124

    My badge would come off the second I stepped out the door of the civic center and as soon as I got to my hotel, I dressed like a slob. It was awesome.

  • hillbilly
    think they spoke up about that last summer. You are supposed to keep your suit and embarrassment badge on while in town, except maybe while at the pool or in your room. Wearing jeans or a T-shirt while eating out or exploring town would result in Brother Hounder hounding you about it after the wastefest. -WT Wizard

    I guess that has been the deal ever since. Our circuit had a lot of kids ... and that same group usually showed up at the same District Conventions.

    We usually had some plans (and most of our parents were good about getting us together)... we would shuck the suits..jean up and head out.

    Memphis had a theme park called Liberty Land... we would get over there at least one night. As we got older we would head out to bowl or something about every night too.

    West Tennessee SE MO and NW Arkansas never were as uptight as some of the places you all describe. Over in Caruthersville Mo ... those folks would borrow a room and put on a dance nearly every month. Most of us never got into a lot of trouble...we had a lot of fun.


  • BurnTheShips

    I always did, I would go to the beach after the the District Assemblies. I did not care.


  • blondie
    *** km 4/07 p. 4 par. 5 Follow the Christ by Manifesting Dignity ***Should we manifest a dignified appearance only when attending the program? Remember that many will observe us wearing our convention badges while in the convention city. Our appearance should make us stand out from the general public. Therefore, even during leisure time, such as when going out to eat after the program, we should dress as befits ministers who are in the city for the purpose of attending a Christian convention and should not wear such clothing as jeans, shorts, or T-shirts.
  • Thechickennest


    I had no idea about the new policy, it's just wrong! I have been away longer than I thought....being out of this organization looks better and better each day.

  • Open mind
    Open mind

    To answer the OP, I don't think most elders in California would say a word if they saw members of their own congo going out to eat wearing jeans/shorts/T-shirts provided the offending JWs had enough common sense not to simultaneously wear their "embarrassment badges". A tiny minority of Uber-Hounders might have a go at it though.

    If for whatever reason a JW wanted to: 1. Silence an Uber-Hounder, 2. Still wear jeans and 3. Still show border-line compliance with Borg rules; consider the following.

    Blondie quoted the KM as follows:

    "we should dress as befits ministers who are in the city for the purpose of attending a Christian convention "

    Just leave "the city" and tell the Uber-Hounder you're following the rules to the "T".


  • Pistoff

    They think like OLD MEN, old corporate pukes who want the little worker bees to look nice when they themselves go out for their stewed prunes and decaf coffee.

    What family is going to prevent their children from wearing shorts and t shirts?

    The stupidest expectation ever.

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