This was always a HUGE pet peeve of mine!!! I hated being in that damn suit. When I was a teenager we started going out some, because we were staying at the hotel instead of staying with family. About 15 or 16, I started demanding to go back to the hotel first to get undressed, and put on jeans or shorts (our DC was in the heat of summer, usually 95+ outside). When I was going on my own, I'd get there late in the morning, around 9 am or so, then I'd get out of there early most days to go back to the hotel, and on Sunday, I'd always leave after lunch to get home early, no one ever noticed.
The last year I was at District Convention (2006), I was MISERABLE!!! I brought a 5th of Jack Daniels with me to the hotel, and usually by about 7 pm or so, I was feeling pretty good. I would be wearing casual clothes, trying to avoid "the friends", and I'd be on myspace out in the lobby. I knew that year at convention, while I sat there writing songs, that I no longer wanted to do it. I was dating "worldly" girls back home and emailing them from the hotel lobby. There were a couple elders that were watching me, but they were in a "band" (meaning we played congregation get togethers), and they knew I liked to drink, so they didn't say anything.
(As a side story) The night of our first "show", I had drank half a bottle of Jack, and they said NOTHING. At our second show I was drinking in the parking lot of the community center, elders passed me and said nothing. My dad asked how much I'd had, and I replied that I was fine, I just didn't want to play with a bunch of hacks, and carry the band again. My stepmom glared at me, and I told her, "well you drink at home, don't you? I'm not ashamed of my drinking so I'm enjoying myself right here." That night I tore it up, playing the guitar behind my head, duckwalking, etc. I never jumped through hoops for elders, I was always myself, and I know that never sit well with them.
Since I've resigned from the Witchtower Babble and Trick Society, I drink was less, and only in moderation. I've only been drunk once since leaving the Borg, when I was in the Borg I drank constantly, to try to relieve my mind of the terrible stress. Now I pretty much only drink at my band gigs, and only 1 drink per set, so usually 3 drinks per night on weekends, and very rarely, I may have a beer during the week.