wearing very comfortable clothes after each day of the District Assembly

by asilentone 30 Replies latest jw friends

  • bluesbreaker59

    This was always a HUGE pet peeve of mine!!! I hated being in that damn suit. When I was a teenager we started going out some, because we were staying at the hotel instead of staying with family. About 15 or 16, I started demanding to go back to the hotel first to get undressed, and put on jeans or shorts (our DC was in the heat of summer, usually 95+ outside). When I was going on my own, I'd get there late in the morning, around 9 am or so, then I'd get out of there early most days to go back to the hotel, and on Sunday, I'd always leave after lunch to get home early, no one ever noticed.

    The last year I was at District Convention (2006), I was MISERABLE!!! I brought a 5th of Jack Daniels with me to the hotel, and usually by about 7 pm or so, I was feeling pretty good. I would be wearing casual clothes, trying to avoid "the friends", and I'd be on myspace out in the lobby. I knew that year at convention, while I sat there writing songs, that I no longer wanted to do it. I was dating "worldly" girls back home and emailing them from the hotel lobby. There were a couple elders that were watching me, but they were in a "band" (meaning we played congregation get togethers), and they knew I liked to drink, so they didn't say anything.

    (As a side story) The night of our first "show", I had drank half a bottle of Jack, and they said NOTHING. At our second show I was drinking in the parking lot of the community center, elders passed me and said nothing. My dad asked how much I'd had, and I replied that I was fine, I just didn't want to play with a bunch of hacks, and carry the band again. My stepmom glared at me, and I told her, "well you drink at home, don't you? I'm not ashamed of my drinking so I'm enjoying myself right here." That night I tore it up, playing the guitar behind my head, duckwalking, etc. I never jumped through hoops for elders, I was always myself, and I know that never sit well with them.

    Since I've resigned from the Witchtower Babble and Trick Society, I drink was less, and only in moderation. I've only been drunk once since leaving the Borg, when I was in the Borg I drank constantly, to try to relieve my mind of the terrible stress. Now I pretty much only drink at my band gigs, and only 1 drink per set, so usually 3 drinks per night on weekends, and very rarely, I may have a beer during the week.

  • Witness 007
    Witness 007

    District Convention rules 1. YOU CANNOT WEAR COMFORTABLE CLOTHES.


    3.YOU MUST WEAR YOUR LAPEL AT ALL TIMES .....ZIG HEIL!!! ..... ZIG HEIL!!! .............................................................................. LONG LIVE JEHOVAH OUR FURER

  • iceguy

    The GB is not thinking of your family ...this is all about promoting the WTS.

  • Thechickennest

    I am still thinking about this topic! This policy on dress at the DC's really torques my biscuits! If I have this correct.....There should be actual documentable experiences of people who are going to, or have become a JW because they seen the JW's decked out in their sunday best outfits after a convention in their city??? Usually in the summer its a thousand degrees by four or five oclock after the sessions let out, and it is supposed to impress the average non-JW citizen that JW folks are running all over town in their dress clothes???? and, from making this observation they have dropped everything they have ever known about humanity and studied, and changed their entire way of life to become a JW? because JW's dress up in a business suit costume after a convention??? Any JW that has not had reason to leave the WT for any other reason, should have left the organization in droves over this crazy policy! Talk about a controlling cult!

  • hillbilly

    yes ..that dress code attracts all the insane or temporarliy insane folks in town...got to give the Holy spirit an edge.


  • Thechickennest

    Hill: I think you are correct....JW's are looking to recruit insane people! That is what you would have to be to be impressed by these crazy folks that claim to have all the answers about life or be damned.

  • Bring_the_Light

    Its wierd, I don't actually remember this being an issue. People didn't seem to do much other than go to the hotel pool afterwards. I remember just a very few people wandering into the pool area (not swimming) wearing their christian uniforms err. bad suits

  • ldrnomo

    I think those of us in cities where DA's are being held should go to resturants in the evenings and ask borg members why they dress so ridiculisly even when they go out to dinner at night. We could even add that we would never become a JW because we would not want to have to dress the way they do.

    These dress codes were established many years ago when the general public dressed like that it's crazy for them to look so different then everyone around them that they are trying to appeal to it automatically alienates people to any message they might have. That's a good thing. Let em keep dressing like 1940's businessmen.

    We're FREE!!!


  • WTWizard

    Washtowel Dress Code--

    Expiration Date: 12/31/1960

    I would say that it is just slightly out of date.

  • Sasha

    Oh, the money I waisted when I was in. I will wear none of those clothes again. Don't go to business. Shame.

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