How did you think the GB made decisions?

by LearningMore 27 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Farkel

    :How did you think the GB made decisions?

    Simple, really. Depending upon the issue they use several methods which of course are ALL Bible-Based(tm).

    Cash flow problems:

    Define problem.
    Determine what caused problem. Find who else to blame for problem.
    Determine how much cash is needed.
    Send letters to BOEs telling them to announce that Jehovah needs more money.

    Chronology problems:

    Identify problem.
    Find out who else to blame for problem.
    Find a scriptural solution for problem. If scriptural solution cannot be found, as is always the case, reach into ass and pull out answer.
    Send letter to BOEs telling them that dubs are cause of problem because they make up shit, and announce new light solution to problem.

    When a predicted date for Armageddon is a few weeks away:

    Create huge 10 year plan for WTS real estate and building expansion.
    What problem!?

    When huge numbers of dubs get fed up and quit problem:

    Discuss problem.
    Make statement "there are always new ones coming in."
    Blame dubs for problem.
    Force dubs to solve problem by doing MORE to get new members or Jehovah will kill them.
    If problem is huge, change how statistics are used.

    Morality "problems":

    Publicly deny there is a problem.
    Privately, spend weeks discussing problems in gynecological detail. Use photos and pictures if possible.
    Always determine problem is spiritually wrong.
    Ban problem.

    Legal problems:

    Define problem.
    Publicly lie about problem.
    DF and then sue everyone.
    Claim 1st Amendment Rights.
    DF anyone else who talks about problem.


  • hillbilly

    cut the cards...high card wins.

    works every time


  • Meeting Junkie No More
    Meeting Junkie No More


    Your post is priceless! I've got tears streaming down my cheeks reading your list. This should be made into a wall poster and shipped to WT Headquarters for posting, one for every department, for the drones working there to see! I swear a few of the dimwits would be enlightened and there might even be a mass awakening!

  • Octarine Prince
    Octarine Prince

    Farkel is the truth!

  • Liberty

    I too, like SirNose, believed just what the WT Society told us back in the late 1960's/70's, namely that all of the surviving 144,000 were mysteriously spirit guided as a communal telepathic force to provide the Watch Tower Society with leadership and biblical interpretation. I had not a clue how this worked but stupidly took them at their word. I know now, of coarse, that no such arrangement ever existed which makes sense since there was no method of communication between all the Anointed in place and the Anointed knew themselves that they were never consulted with by anyone/thing. It was just another Watch Tower lie. When I read Ray Franz's Crisis of Conscience I discovered for the first time how the Society was really run. Quite an eye opener.

  • TD
    How did you think the GB made decisions?

  • Hope4Others

    You made me laugh there TD.....

    Actually they sit around a huge round table with gobbles of wine and say sounds good

    let's drink to that....tee hee hee

  • The Oracle
    The Oracle

    Farkel and TD,

    Very funny posts.

    Thanks for the laughs.

    And I agree ------ that Farkel post should be printed and sent to every member of bethel and posted for all to see. In fact every dub everywhere should check it out. It's so true it's hillarious! Yet sooo sad, all at the same time.

    The Oracle

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    I guess I fell into the naive view that there was prayer, discussion followed by scriptural application, and perhaps prayer again. Would they really do doesn't surprise me as that's basically how the BOE works

    I think their tacit response to Ray's publications give it credibility as they would just be publicly lying. (Like that's never occurred).

  • MissingLink

    My guess is that if they take a vote and don't come to a clear 2/3 majority, then they all strip down to their underpants and go into their secret mud wrestling room. They trust the holy spirit to give extra mightyness to the one who's thinking is most in line with gods. Last man standing gets to decide on the issue.

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